The Sacred Books of the Jainas Example of Viruddha Kāryopalabdbi :
नास्त्यत्र शीतस्पर्मो धूमात् ॥ 73. Nāstyatra śítasparso dhūmāt. 73. There is no feeling of cold here, because there is smoke.
Commentary Here cold is the antithesis of heat the Kārya of which is smoke. So this is an example of inference of a Kārya ( effect ) of the antithesis.
Example of Viruddha Kāraṇopalabdhi :नास्मिन् शरीरिणि सुखमस्ति हृदयशल्यात् ॥ ७४ ॥ 74. Nāsmin śarīriņi sukhamasti hridayaśalyāt.
74. There is no happiness in this creature because it has grief ( the antithesis of happiness )
Example of Viruddha Pārvachara Upalabdhi :
नोदेष्यति मुहूर्तान्ते शकट रेवत्युदयात् ॥ ७॥ 75. Nodeșyati muhārtānte sakatam revatyudayāt.
75. The Rohiņi will not rise after the end of a Muhūrta as the Revati has arisen.
Commentary The constellation of the Rohiņi will not appear after a Muhūrta (two ghatikās=48 minutes ) as now the constellation Revati which succeeds the constellation Aśvini ( which as opposed to the Rohiņi ) has arisen.
Another example is this : Tomorrow will not be a Sunday, because it is Friday today.
Example of Viruddha Uttarachara Upalabdhi :
नोदगाद् भरणिमुहूर्तात् पूर्व पुष्योदयात् ॥ ७६ ॥ 70. Nodagād Bharaṇirmultūrttāt pūrvam pușyodayāt.
76. The Bharaņi ( constellation ) did not appear before the Muhūrta because ( now ) the constellation Pusyā has arisen,
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