129 Example of Uttarachara ( consequence ) Hetu :
उदगाद् भरणिः प्राक्तत एवः॥ ६९॥ 69. Udagād bharaṇiḥ prāktata eva. 69. The Bharaṇi had already risen before this. Example of Sahachara Hetu ( co-existence ) :
अस्त्यत्त्र मातुलिंगे रूपं रसात् ॥ ७० ॥ 70. Astyatra mātulinge rūpam rasāt.
70. There is colour in this Mātulinga (fruit) as there is juice (in it)':
We have finished the description of the six varieties of Aviruddha Upalabdhi. Now follows the illustrations of six kinds of Viruddha Upalabdhi after its definition.
विरूद्धतदपलब्धिः प्रतिषेधे तथा ॥ ७१॥ 71. Viruddhatadupalabdhiḥ pratiședhe tathā.
71. Viruddha Upalabdhi is also the same (i. e. of six varieties ) implying a Sadhya of a non-existent nature (or which is refuted ).
Example of Viruddha Vyāpya Upalabdhi :.. ATEITT Ítae Et STGUTE 11 92 11 72. Nāstyatra śītasparśa auṣṇyāt. 72. There is no feeling of cold here, as it is hot.
Commentary By refuting ( Pratişedha) the feeling of cold, its antithesis ( Viruddha ) fire and the heat pervading ( vyāpya ) the same is inferred.
1. “This illustration proceeds on the principle of concomitance or co-existence of colour and taste, so that the presence of the one is an index to the existence of the other.” The Science of Thought by C. R. Jain, P. 48, footnote.
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