The Sacred Books of the Jainas
arsi un: afaafafæret at aṁf 1|26||
25. Sadhyam dharmah kvachittad visiṣto va dharmi.
25. Sadhya is a Dharma and sometimes it is Dharmi in which there is the abode of the Dharma.
In our familiar example we have seen that fire is the Sadhya (or the major term). Now, a distinction is being made. It is urged that when we have a knowledge of universal concomitance, Sadhya is a Dharma. For in such cases we hold wherever there is smoke there is fire. Here Sadhya is fire. But after the inferential process we have the Dharmi (e.g. the mountain in which the fire is) which is the abode of the Dharma ( Sadhya) as described above. This Dharmi is technically called the Pakṣa (the minor term) as will be mentioned in the next aphorism. When Sadhya is merely Dharma, there is no knowledge of Dharmi. For example, whenever we see smoke, we have an idea of fire but not of mountain or other object containing the fire. It is only when Sadhya is Dharmi, that we have the idea of the thing which is the abode of Dharma which is technically called Pakṣa1.
26. Pakṣa iti yāvat.
26. This is also known as Paksa (the minor term).
पक्ष इति यावत् ॥ २६ ॥
It has been explained in the previous aphorism that the Dharmi containing the Dharma of Sadhya is called Pakṣa. For
1. “ साध्यं साध्यधर्मविशिष्टो धर्मी कचित्तु धर्मः ।” Pramāṇa
mimāmsā I. 2. 15
Jain Education International
"व्याप्तिग्रहण समयापेक्षया साध्यं धर्म एवान्यथा तदनुपपत्तेः ॥
न हि यत्र यत्र धूमस्तत्र चित्रभानोरिव धरित्रीधरस्याप्यनुवृत्तिरस्ति ॥ आनुमानिकप्रतिपन्त्यवसरापेक्षया तु पक्षापरपर्यायस्तद्विशिष्टः प्रसिद्धो धर्मी || " Pramāṇanayatattvālokālaȧkāra III, 19-21
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