77 1. Even if Anumāna be accepted as Pramāņa from empirical stand
point still the definition of probans (linga) is not possible1. 2. Pramāna consists in cognising an object which is not yet cognised.
So, there is no possibility of valid inference.2 3. Pramāna is non-subordinate whereas inference is subordinate3
Anantavirya refers to this Aviddhakarņa in SVT (p. 306) as : "itarasya acetana sya vă bhūmyāde” mūrtasya (jñānam) anena Aviddhakarṇasya samayo darsitaħ”, i.e. jñāna is nothing, but the modification of the matter as maintained by Aviddhakarna.
This Aviddhakarņa must have been prior to Karnagomi (8th A.D.), since the latter quotes him. While discussing the views of Aviddhakarna there occurs ‘Pramānasyāgaunatvāť which is quoted by Jayantabhatta also (9th c. A.D.) attributing it to Cārvāka Philosophy4. The said sentence is named, “Paurandara sūtra. in Syādvādaratnākara (p. 265), implying the existence of a work so named. It is possible that the author of Paurandharasūtra was Aviddhakarna
On the basis of these reasons adduced, Aviddhakarņa can be assigned to the eigth century A.D.
(c) The date of Anantavīrya :
We do not possess any sufficient material about the life of Anantavirya. The colophons of the present work SVT speak of Anantavīrya as “Ravibhadrapādopajivi”; it means that Ravibhadra was the name of his preceptor. Nothing is known about Ravibhadra as regards his geneology. Hence we have mostly to depend upon the epigraphical evidences and references to Anantavirya in other works. From the following inscriptions we get information about several Anantaviryas.
(1) From Peggur Kannada inscription it is found that Anantavīrya was the grand disciple of Virasena, Siddhāntadeva and disciple of Goņasena Pandita Bhattāraka6. He was the resident of Sribelgol. The king Rakkasa of Beddoregare had donated Peraggadūr and Nayikhai. This inscription is dated Saka 899 (977 A.D.).
1 PVVT, p. 19 2 ibid, p. 25 3 ibid. p. 25 • Nyāyamañjari, p. 108 PKM, p. 180. • JSL. Vol. II, P. 199. & Ibid.
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