27. Yasovijaya (17th c. A.D.) and other Acaryas:
Yośovijaya, the Gangesa of Jaina Nyaya was the exponent of NavyaNyaya in Jaina logic. He was one of the outstanding exponents of Akalanka's logic. In his works Jaina-tarkabhāṣā, śāstravārtā-samuccayaṭīkā and Gurutattvaviniscaya he quotes1 Akalanka extensively; besides he has replied to the objections raised by Malayagiri on Akalanka in his Gurutattva-viniscaya. He wrote a commentary on Astasahasri, which is the commentory on Astasati of Akalanka.
Besides all these references to Akalanka, there are still other philosophers who quote Akalanka in their respective works, e.g. Syadvādasiddhi of Vadibhasimha, Āptamīmām să-vṛtti of Vasunandi, Şad-darśana-samuccaya-vṛtti of Gunaratna, Syādvādamañjari of Malliṣeņa, Viśvatattva-prakāśa of Bhavasena, Pramanaprameyakalika of Narendrasena, Nyayamanidipikā (a commentary on Prameyaratnamālā) of Ajitasena and Prameya-ratna-mālālankara of Carukirti Panditācārya, etc., all these authors have glorified Akalanka.
From this exhaustive discussion, it is quite clear that Akalanka's impact on Jaina logicians is immense. Out of all these authors referred to above Vidyananda, Anantavirya, Prabhācandra, Abhayacandra, Vādirāja and Yasovijaya are the commentators of Akalanka.
(f) The age of Akalanka:
Of epigraphical evidences that throw light upon the age of Akalanka, the oldest inscription to refer to him is of c. 1016 A.D. But epigraphical evidences are not to be exclusively depended upon. In this attempt the textual references are of immense help both from the standpoint of fixing the time limit and comparative studies.
The above discussion leads us to the conclusion that the time limit of Akalanka lies from Dharmakirti and his line of disciples, which extends from the last part of 7th c. A.D. to the early phase of 8th c.; particularly the age of Santarakṣita (762 A.D.) is definitely the lower limit of Akalanka's date. The upper limit of his date can be fixed with the help of the date of his commentator Vidyānanda (775-840 A.D.) and with that of Dhananjaya (8th c. A.D.) and Virasena (748-813 A.D.) who quote him. Hence Akalanka can be placed in the 8th c. A.D.
But in the light of the newly available material even the particular decade of the eighth century can be fixed.
1 For references to quotations see Hindi Introduction p. 43.
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