14. Vădirāja (c. 1025 A.D.)1:
Vādirāja, the Syadvādavidyāpati is the famous commentator on NV of Akalanka, sometime he gives four or five meanings of certain words of Akalanka. The exposition of Akalarka's work NV by Vădirāja was mainly due to the help he received from the commentary on Akalarka by Anantavīrya. 15. Prabhācandra (980-1065)2 :
Akalarka's works were the source of information for Prabhācandra who wrote excellent commentaries. He is the author of NKC, the commentary on Laghiya straya of Akalanka. He has been benefited by the help of Anantavirya for the explanation of difficult portions ; in addition to this, he wrote Prameya-kamala-mārtanda, the commentary on PMS; he quotes "bhedajnānāt pratīyrte” (NV. I. 114) in Ātmānušāsanatīkā, the commentary on Atmānušāsana.
16. Anantavīrya (c. 11th A.D.):
Anantavirya wrote a commentary Prameyaratnamāla (PRM) on Parīksămukha-sūtra which is based on Akalanka's works and was written after Prameya-kamala-mārtanda. He refers in PRM (III. 5) to LT and NV. 17. Vādideva sūri (1086-1130 A.D.):
Vādidevasūri wrote Pramānanayatattvāloka with his own tīkā known as Syädvādaratnākara (SR), mostly based on Parīksā-mukha-sūtra. He quotes LT and LTV in his SR (I. 4, II. 3 and II, 12, verses 3, 4, and 5 of LT, with Vrtti). Further, he quotes a line from SV in SR (p. 641); he accepts the fundamental principles of Akalanka's Logic and elaborates the discussion of Hetu with divisions and subdivisions etc. accepted by Akalanka.
18. Hemacandra (1088-1173 A.D.):
It seems that Akalanka's SV has an indelible impact on the mind of Hemacandra, the Kalikālasarvjña, he quotes two verses from SV in his Pramāņa-mīmāṁsā. He was an exponent of Akalarika’s Logic. 19. Malayagiri (about 11th & 12th c. A.D.):
Malayagiri was a colleague of Hemacandra. In his Avašyaka Niryukti-Țīkā, he differs from Akalanka in holding that the use of sydt in naya-vākya is inadmissible, for the simple reason that naya itself constitutes
1 for detailed discussion see NVV. vol. I and II, Introductions. : for detailed discussion on Prabhācandra see NKC. vol. 2. Introduction.
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