1. Pratyäkșasiddhi : The topics brought under discussion are the nature of Pramāna, the result of Pramāna, the proof of external objects, the validity and conspicuity of conceptual cognition (savikalpa), rejection of the validity of indeterminate perception, refutation of the indeterminate nature of self-cognisance, the establishment of valid knowledge on the strength of wide, not whole, application of non-discrepancy, the possibility of mati and śruti knowledge etc., without the application of words; and so on.
2. Savikalpa siddhi : The description of avagraha (perception) etc., examination of mental perception, determinate (savikalpa) knowledge is not the resultant of indeterminate (nīrvikalpaka) one ; each cognitive member of avagraha etc. (in order) is the cognitive organ and each succeeding member as the resultant; impossibility of knowing other person if the Buddhist view is accepted etc.
3. Pramāṇāntarasiddhi : Establishment of recollection and recognition as separate pramāna, inclusion of comparison in recognition, justification of tarka as pramāna, the impossibility of the action in the philosophy of flux, justification of utpāda (creation) vyaya (destruction) and sthiti (subsistence), destruction as the creation of other modification, the establishment of eternity and identity-cum-difference of substance and modifications.
4. Jivasiddhi : Mithyājñāna, the result of the operation of knowledgeobscuring (jñānāvaranīya)Karmas, causal efficiency, continuum etc. untenable in momentariness, with respect to bondage jīva and ajīva are one though differing essentially in their nature, the causes of influx of Karmas, disbelief in prajñāsat and prajñaptisat, criticism of Tattvopaplava philosophy, refutation of bhūtacaitanyavāda (materialism), Nyāya-conception of soul, criticism of sāṁkhya theory of tattvas, the bondage of Karmas with the formless cetana, the identity-cum-difference of jñāna etc. and ātman.
5. Jalpasiddhi : The nature of Disputation or wrangling (jalpa), the four-limbs of it, the connotation of sabdaa, šabda is not necessarily the indication of intention, criticism of the occasion of censure (nigrahasthāna) due to the statement of other than an essential condition of proof etc., definition of jaya (victory) and parājaya (defeat).
6. Hetulakṣaṇa-siddhi : The otherwise impossibility is the characteristic of reason invariable, concomitance is not conditioned by identity (tādātmya) and Causation (tadutpatti) only, justification of division of hetu (reason); justification of pūrvacara (prior), uttaracara (posterior) and sahacara (simultaneous), the possibility of sattva hetu etc. only in the Anekānta Philosophy.
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