Briefly, the discussion can be summarised as below:
1. The age of Akalanka has been fixed as 720-780 A.D.; so his commentator Anantavirya must be later than this period. 2. Anantavirya quotes Vidyananda who flourished in 840 A.D. 3. Anantavirya quotes svatah-Prāmānya-bhanga (840-950 A.D.) written after Vidyananda, i.e. after 840 A.D.
4. Somadeva's YST (959 A.D.) is quoted by Anantavirya. 5. Humach inscription refers to Anantavifya as the colleague of the grand teacher of Vādirāja who flourished in 1025 A.D.; hence it can be said that the grand teacher Sṛipāla and his colleague Anantavirya lived in 975 A.D. i.e., fifty years before Vādirāja. On the strength of these proofs Anantavirya can be assigned to 950-990 A.D.
3. Critique of Conflicting Views:
Dr. A. N. Upadhye, subjecting the view of Dr. K. B. Pathak1 to critical examination, writes: "In his recent paper on Dharmakirti and Bhamaha, Dr. K. B. Pathak refers to Anantavirya as a commentator of Parikṣāmukha of Manikyanandi and also as the author of a commentary on the Nyayaviniscaya of Akalankadeva. Finally he concludes that this Anantavirya belonged to the close of the tenth century A.C. from the facts that he is referred to by Vādirāja who wrote in Saka 947 (1025 A.C.), by Mallisena in his Mahāpurāṇa written in Saka 969 (1047 A.C.) and also by Nagara Inscription of Saka 999 (1077 A.C.). With due deference to the learned scholar one has to say that there has been a gross misrepresentation and puzzle of facts in his remarks and his conclusion about the date is an illustration of loose logic". With these remarks about Dr. K. B. Pathak, Dr. Upadhye concludes that: "So far as my knowledge of Jaina literature goes, I do not know of any commentary on that (NV) work by Anantavirya". Further, that Anantavirya, the commentator of SV is different from his namesake, the author of Prameyaratna-mālā. Dr. Upadhye guesses the date of Anantavirya as "though the exact date of Anantavirya is still a desideratum this much is certain that he flourished some time after Akalanka (circa last quarter of the seventh century at the latest".)
Dr. Upadhye's suspicion about the possibility and availability of a commentary on NV of Anantavirya is not without its worth. It is proved beyond any shadow of doubt that Anantavirya, the disciple of Ravibhadra,
1 ABORI, vol. XII, p. 373.
ABORI, vol. XIII, Pt. ii, p. 161. Ibid, p. 165
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