1. Textual Evidences :
The name of Anantavirya is referred to in several works which are discussed below:
(1) Tattvārthavārtika refers to Anantavīrya Yatil. He must have been much earlier than Akalanka as is clear from 'pratighātaşruteh.
From the following evidences it can be definitely proved that there was a commentary by another Anantavīrya prior to the author of the present work. He refers to the previous commentator Anantavīrya by name while commenting on v. 5 in the following words : nanvayamartho'nantarakārikavrttāvuktah, na ca punasta syaivābhidhāne sa eva samarthito nāma atiprasargāt, kintu anyasmāt hetoh, sa cātra noktah, tasmāt uktartho'nantara-śloko'yan ityanantavīryah”.
(a) It is clear from the above quotation that Anantavīrya differed
from the explanation given by the previous Anantavirya. (b) It can be definitely proved by other references suggestive of the
difference of opinion as well as variant reading, that there was in existence another commentary written before the present
volume and that must be the one of vrddha Anantavirya. () It is certain that the author of SVT has little regard for the
previous Anantavirya. Therefore, it seems that our author
gives his own identity by the word Ravibhadrapādopajīvī. (2) In the benedictory verse he writes.
"devasyānantavīryo’pi padam vyaktam tu sarvataḥ,
na jānīte' kalankasya citrametat param bhuvi”. It is not surprising to see that Anantavirya, with such infinite capacity, cannot understand Akalanka clearly.
(3) Vădirājasūri, eulogising Anantavirya in Pārsvanātha-carita speaks of him as a mighty cloud to the fire of nihilism of the Buddhists. He has referred to Anantavīrya as a flood of light illuminating the words of Akalarka. We know that Pārsvanātha-carita was composed in Śaka 947 (1025 A.D.)2
Acārya Prabhācandra refers to Anantavirya along with Akalarika with the same degree of reverence to Jinendra ; further, he respectfully expresses his debt to Anantavirya in studying Akalařka. Prabhācandra had composed NKC during the regime of Dhārādhirāja Jayasimhadeva
1 TV. p. 154. . Pārsvanātha-Carita, Prasasti, v. 5. 3 NKC, p. 605.
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