"While literary (mainly Sanskrit and Pali) and archaeological sources have been fully exploited in re-constructing the history of ancient India by historians, the latter have been indifferent towards the Jaina sources which constitute a veritable mine of informations and offer a vast field of research into the various facets of our early history and culture. In fact, a comprehensive and authentic history of early India can be possible only when a scientific and analytical study of these sources is objectively attempted. For long such a study remained neglectd, but of late scholars have taken up this challenge which is now gradually yielding fascinating results enriching various branches of Indological studies. Dr. Raja Ram Jain is one of the few such scholars who have done commendable work in exploring this otherwise virgin field for the benefit of researchers engaged in revealing India's past"
"All told, the fact remains that the present work dealing with the life-stories and achievements of Bhadrahāhu, Canakya and Candragupta Maurya is the first of its kind in Apabhramśa language which was neither published nor edited by any other scholar so far. Dr. Jain has done a singular service to the cause of Indology by publishing the work."
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