Text and Translation
possessed of both; sāmānyam general properties; tatra therein; jātyādi (expressing); jāti (genus), etc., viseṣāḥ the particular properties; ca and; vibhedakāḥ (are) differentiating ].
All objects possess two kinds of properties, viz., 1) sāmānya or the generalizing (general), and 2) viseşa or the differentiating (specific) properties; the general expressing the genus (jāti), etc., and the specific expressing the species, differences and distinctions. 3. DISTINCTION BETWEEN GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PROPERTIES, OR ILLUSTRATIONS OF SAMANYA AND VISEṢA: ऐक्यबुद्धिर्घटशते भवेत्सामान्यधर्मतः ।
fazlarda faci faci maufa aż GAT: 11 8 11 aikyabuddhir ghaṭasate bhavet samanya-dharmataḥ | viseṣāc ca nijam nijam lakṣayanti ghaṭam janāḥ || 4
[aikyabuddhiḥ: recognising oneness; ghatasate in each of a hundred jars; bhavet (there) would be; sāmānya-dharmataḥ: by means of general properties; viseṣāt by means of specific or particular properties; ca and; nijam nijam one's own, as the case may be; lakṣayanti distinguish; ghaṭam a jar; janāḥ: people ].
By means of general properties in each of a hundred (hundred here means 'all') jars, one idea (that of jarness) is recognised, and by means of specific properties, people distinguish each individual-particular jar as their own. 4.
EXPLANATION:--Suppose there are lying here many jars; if we look at them from the standpoint of their general properties, we know only their jar-ness which is common to all of them: but if we view them from the aspect of their differentiating properties, we notice
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