[ પત્ર ખીને ?
I first met Santamurti Sri Jayantavijayaji in 1922 in the group of Sri Vijaya Dharma Suriji's disciples. In 1927 Sri Vijaya Indra Suriji told me that Jayantavijayaji knew more about the Trisastisalakapurusacaritra than any one else; and for twenty years Muniji gave me the benefit of his learning and generous assistance. Much of this time was by the laborious method of
rrespondence and I am indebted also to translators, especially H. M. Shah, B. A. of Ahmedabad. I can not speak too highly of the scholarly pains Muniji took to consider and investigate doubtful points, and to make them clear.
His scholarship is highly esteemed for his edition of the Uttaradhyayana and for his series of studies of the Jain Tirthas, which is a valuable contribution to Indian archaeology. It would be a fine thing if these could be translated into English, as few archaelogists know Gujarati.
Muni Jayantavijayaji always laid great stress on ahinsa and, in many conversations with me, urged me to visit panjarapoles, and to do anything I could to alleviate the sufferings of animals. It seem that the Jain activities in bahalf of animals are not so strong now as they were formerly. But I fear a foreigner can do little, Indians themselves, Hindus as well as Jains, will have to take an active interest, if the appealling cruelty to animals by municipal authorities themselves is to checked.
Jain Education International
Helen M. Johnson
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