may be given for the same or any part thereof shall be applied for the ends, intents and purposes afore-said. Tht the number of the trustees shall be at least six and shall not exceed eight. That Sheth Panachand Hirachand shall be the Chairman of the first trustees and after his decease the elder living scion of Sheth Hirachand Gumanji shall be appointed the Chairman of the trustees. That the Chairman of the trust es shall also be the President of the Managing Committee unless he resigns. During the temporary absence of the Chairman the trustees may appoint any one of themselves to act as chairman for the time being. Provi· ded always and it is hereby lastly declared that
3the trustees hereby appointed or to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned or any of them shall happen to die, continue to reside abroad for fhe space of more than twelve calendar months or shall become a bankrupt or take the benefit of any act for the relief of insolvant debtors or be desirous of being dischaarged from disclaim neglect refuse to act or become incapable of acting in the trust herein Lefore declared before the same shall be fully performed and then and in such case and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for the said Panachand Hirachand, manek chand Hirachaud, Navalchand Hirachand and
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