atman is different from body, and eveu though saying the same thing over again, one cannot find liberation till he firmly realizes self as apart from the body.
82. Distinguishing âtman from tha body, âtman should so well be seen and realized to be âtman, as, not even in dream, should átman again come to be identified with the body.
83. Sin comes of disregarding religious forms, holy merit arises from observing them; but liberation consists in entire exhaustion of both one and the other. Henco one desirous of liberation must give up all concern with religious injunctious leading to good as well as evil.
84. Give up all that is prohibited in religious books, aed be firm in carrying out all that is set torth there as good and virtuous. But having obtained the highest sphere of atmın you should give up both one and the other.
85. The web of words: spoken within in
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