Mahavira such as non-violence, anekantvad, aparigrahi, Karm and Ishvaravad. It is a very useful treatise for anyone interested in Jain religion and philosophy.
16-17. Bhaktamber Stotra, by Acharya Shri Mantung and Kalyanmandir Stotra, by Acharya Shri Siddhasen Diwakar, are invocation to Lord Rishabhdev and Lord Parshvanath. These have been rendered into Punjabi for the first time and are quite useful for Punjabi-knowing devotees.
18. Dashavaikalika Sutra, a basic Jain text a study of which is mandatory for anybody desirous of receiving initiation (diksha) as a monk or nun. It comprises all the rules and regulations governing the life of ascetics. It has also been translated in Punjabi for the first time.
19. Sandhu Prakaran, a sort of nitishastra, is an excellent treatise on the art of leading at noble, successful life. The makes an interesting reading for the Jainas as well as the general readers.
20. Anmol Bachan, a collection of some of the more meaningful sayings of Sadhvi Shri Swam Kanta Ji Maharaj, has been rendered in Punjabi. It is a good specimen of their editorial skill.
21. Asthanjali is a felication volume presented to Jain Acharya Shri Vimal Muni Ji Maharaj on the 50th anniversary of his 'dikshaí. Shri Ravinder Jain and Purushottam Jain are Chief Editors of the volume.
22. Besides writing and translating scriptures and other literature in Punjabi, these 'brothersin-faith' have also tried their pen in Hindi. Mahashramani is a 250 pages felicitation volume, with a foreword by Giani Zail Singh, presented to Sadhvi Shri Swarn Kanta Ji on the 40th anniversary of her 'diksha".
The catalogue of publication given above is not exhaustive, rather it is only a selective list. Our aim simply is to show that Shri Ravinder Jain and Shri Purushottam Jain have been the first to attempt to write and publish works on Jain religion, history, literature and philosophy in Punjabi. Because of being the first attempt these works of their short-comings. One such drawback is the lack of the availability of theological/philosophical terms in Punjabi and the use by the authors of Hindi/Sanskrit terms. Second, the authors always seem to be in tearing hurcy. This compled with the authorsi lack of academic training has resulted in some printing and methodological mistakes. In spite of such minor short-comings the attempts by Shri Ravinder Jain and Shri Purushottam Jain deserve high appreciation from his community and the Punjabi literacy circle.
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