________________ ( 11 ) (ii) Works under Revision. (1) Des'i-namamala of Hemacandra, Second edition, with an Index by Prof. P. V. Ramanujaswami, M. A. (No. 17.) (2) Hand-book to the study of Rgveda Parts I and II by P. Peterson, Second edition (Nos. 41 and 43). (3) Naiskarmyasiddhi, (No. 38) Second edition, by Prof. Hiriyanna, M. A. (4) Nyayakos'a by Vamanacharya Zalkikar, Second edition, revised and enlarged, (No. 49). (5) Rajatarangini of Kalbana, Parts I, II, and III, by P. Peterson and Pandit Durgaprasada, Second edition, (No. 45, 51 and 54). (iii) Works in Preparation. (1) Mucchakatika, Vol. II, Notes, etc., by K. C. Mehendale, B. A. (2) Nirukta, Vol. II, by R. G. Bhadkamkar, M. A. (3) Prakriyakaumudi of Ramacandra, by Rao Bahadur K, P. Trivedi, B. A. (4) Vyavahara-mayukha of Nilakaatha, by Prof. P. V. Kane, M. A. LL. M. GOVERNMENT ORIENTAL (HINDU) SERIES. (i) Works in Press. (1) Sarvadars'anasain graha of Sayana, with a new Commentary by Mabamahopadhyaya Vasudeo Shastri Abhyankar. (ii) Works undertaken. (1) Apastamla S'ulba Sutra by Prof. R. N. Apte, M. A., LL. B. (2) Bihatsawhita by Mr. R. V. Patwardhan, B. A., LL. B. (3) Nighamtu and Nirukta by Prof. V. K. Rajwade, M. A. (4) R. G. Bhandarkar's Collected Writings, Vol. I, by Mr. N. B. Utgikar, M. A. (5) R. G. Bhandarkar's Collected Writings, Vol. II, by Mr. N, B. Utgikar, M. A, Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org