tion of the first volume, and who has also at our request given a synoptical statement of the most important points where the grammatical system of Hemachandra differs from that of Panini. As the poem is primarily intended to introduce the students to the niceties of Hemachandra's Grammar and only incidentally to give the History of the family of Hemachandra's great patron, this synoptical statement would, it is hoped, be found useful for purposes of comparison. Most of the historical material obtainable from the poem has been already utilised by Bühler in his German pamphlet entitled Ueber das Leben des Jaina-Mönches Hemachandra (1889), as also by Jacobi: Enclyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, vol. VI, p. 591ff; and others.
Even after the demise of Professor Kathavate, the Introduction and the Notes which he had always contemplated including in the edition, Government decided not to forego; and the task of preparing these was assigned to a competent scholar. As, however, the work of publishing the whole poem extended over a period considerably longer than what was originally anticipated, and the scholar who was to prepare the Introduction and the Notes expressed his inability to write the Introduction the Notes, Government ultimately decided to critical and exegetical matter and at least te the edition of the Text and the Comearly a third part of the present volume
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