1. Sutta--The sermons of lord Buddha in prose.
2. Geyya-The mixed portion of prose and verse.
3. Vaiyyakarana-The works containing explanation.
4. Gatha-The works composed in verse.
5. Udana-The gistful and affectionate expressions delivered from the mouth of lord Buddha.
6. Itibuttaka-Small lectures beginning with the words, 'Lord Buddha said thus'.
7. Jataka-The stories of the former births of lord Buddha.
8. Abbbutadhamma-The work that explains the mysterious things or the superhuman powers born of the 'Yoga".
9. Vedalla-Those sermons which have
written in the form of
1. The Sutra, 2, the Geyya, 3. the Vyakarane, 4. the Gatha, 5. the Udana, 6. the Awadana, 7. The Itivṛittäka, 8. The Niduna, 9. the Vaipalya 10. The Jataka, 11. the Upadesa-dharma and, 12. the Adbhuta-dharma.
The Jainagama has been divided into twelve Angas
1. The Acara 2. The Sūtrakṛita 3. The Sthana 4. The Samawaya 5. The Bhagawati 6. The Jynätä Dharmekatha 7. the Upasakadasa 8. the Antakrita 9. the Anuttaropapätika 10. the Praśna-Vyakarana 11. the Vipäka and 12. the Dristiwada.
The word 'Anga' has been used in the three chief Indian philosophical schools. The main works of the Vedic and Buddhist literature are the Vedas and the Pitakas respectively. Nowhere the word 'Anga' has been added to them. The main works in the Jain literature have been classified as the Gapipitaka. The Gapipitaka has the twelve Angas-Duwälasange ganipitage3
Jain Education International
1. Saddharma Pundakrika Sutra, page 34.
2. Buddha Sanskrit Grantha 'Achisamayalankar' Ki tika, Page, 35. Sutram Geyam Vyakaranam, Gathoanavadanakam. Itibrittakam Nidanam, Vaipulayam ca Sajatakam. Upadesadbhutau dharman, Dwadasangamidam vacah. 3. Samawayanga, Prakirnaka Samawaya, Sutra 88.
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