older script properly. And as the scribes were not necessarily learned, the syllables were interchanged. This has happened very frequently. 3. Intermixture of Text and Commentary
When the custom of learning the scripture by rote was prevalent, the commentaries were also committed to memory. Some commentaries were read together with the original texts. In due course they became part and parcel of the original text. This conclusion easily follows from the situation observed in the Agastyacūrni, according to which in the fourth chapter of the Daśavaikälika, in the topic on trasa (sūtra 9), the following passage occurs-je ya kidapayangā, ja ya kunthupivīliya, savve devă. Here, the author of the cūrni writes that the word 'kida' represents the two sensed creatures and therefore the entire species of two-sensed living beings should be understood as referred to in the passage. In a similar manner patanga and kunthu also represent their own species. The following reading which forms the part of the commentary was incorporated in the original text at a subsequent period :-'savve beindiyā, savre teindiya, savye caurindiyā, savve poñcindiya. The author of the commentary consequently considered it a part of the original text and as such commented upon it.*
In a similar fashion, there has been some confusion, according to the Agastyacūrni, in the text concerned with the mahävratas.3 4. Conversion of Commentary into Text
In the Uttaradhyayana (22/24), we find the reading 'parcamuthihim. In fact, the original reading was 'paṁcatha', aspha standing for muşti. Parca atthā meant parch muşti. The word paṁcaffha became obsolete in due course. In the Brhadvrtti (folio 492) paíčatpha is explained as paṁcamuşti which subsequently replaced the former,
Such instances of confusion are found in other scriptural texts also. DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTED VERSIONS USED
DAŠAVAIKĀLIKA 1. #Ms DASAVAIKĀLIKA: Text and Avacūri. Place :
Order's Collection, Ladnun. 1 Agastyacūrni :
kidavayapena tajjātīyagahanamiti savve beindiyā gheppanti. Payangagahaneņa caurindiya. kunthu piviliyabhihänena teiadiya. Haribhadriya fika, folio 142: ye ca kītapatanga ityatra kīță --kpmayaḥ, 'ekagrahane tajjātiyagrahana' miti dvindriyah sankhadayo'pi gshyante patanga-salabha, atrāpi pūrvavaccaturindriya...sarva eva gshyante, ata eväh-sarve dvindriyah-krmyadayah sarve trindriyah-kunthvādayah, sarve caturindriyäb
---patacgādayah...sar ve pancendriyāḥ samānyatah. 3 Agastyacūrni : keti suttamiyam padhanti; keti vsttigatam visesinti, jahā se tam pāņātivāto
cauvvihe tam jaha-davvato, khettato, kālato, bhāvato.
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