(4) cäturmäsika anuddhātika and (5) äropaņā. These five [categories have been called "ācāra-prakalpa-nisītha" in the Sthānanga."
In fact, the atonement has only two categories -(1) másika and (2) caturmásika. The other categorires, viz dvimosika, trimâsika, pañcamasika and şanmasika are due to äropaña of the prāyaścitta, which is the main subject matter of the twenty uddeśakas. Principal Commentaries -
1. Nisitha- niryukti, 2. Niśītha-bhāşya, 3. Nišitha-cūrni (Viseșa-cūrni). The Acomplishment of the work
The major part of the credit for the success in the work goes to Yuvācārya Mahāprajña who directed his whole energy and attention to do it. Otherwise this Herculean task would have proved difficult of achievement. On account of his devotion to Yoga his power of concentration always remains fresh. He has acquired a power of penetration into the mysteries of the Āgomas owing to his absolute devotion to the task. Humility, habit of hard work and complete devotion to the Guru have played a significant role in his progress. These characteristics are inborn in him, and ever since he came to me, these features have been gradually strenthened. His efficiency of work and devotion to duty have given me full satisfaction.
A great number of monks participated in the work of editing the Agamas critically. I offer my blessings to all of them that their power and efficiency many ever be on the increase.
I undertook this arduous task of critically editing the entire corpus of the Āgamas, depending exclusively on the strength of these monks and nuns of my Order.
It is a matter of great pleasure that the completion of the great work of editing the thirty-two Agamas could be achieved in this extraordinary manner with the selfless, humble and devoted cooperation of my disciples, monks and nups.
Acārya Sri Tulsi
Terapantha Bhavan,
Amet. 14th Nov., 1985
1 Thānam 5/148.
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