'Kalpasūtra' in order to distinguish it from the "Kalpasūtra”. There is another possibility of this new designation. The Kalpasūtra has two bhāsyās -Brhat and Laghu. In the expression Bșhatkalpa-bhāşya, we find Brhat referring to the Ralpa, which in later times was responsible for a new designation, viz. Bohatkalpa for Kalpasūtra.
The word vyavahāra stands for confession",purification or atonement. The chedasūtra under reference was called Vyavahāra on the basis of its subject matter, viz. alocană (confession) that formed the principal part of monastic conductvyavahāra. Date and Authorship
The Kalpa and Vyavahāra were extracted by the Caturdaśapūrvi Bhadrabāhu svāmi from the third vastu of the 9th Pūrva.
There are six uddeśakas in the Kalpasūtra and ten in the Vyavahāra. The Principal Commentaries
1. Brhatkalpa.niryukti, 2. Brhatkalpa-bshadbhāşya, 3. Brhatkalpa-laghubhâsya, 4. Brhatkalpa-cūrņi, 5. Brhatkalpa-vstti.
Vyavahāra-1. Vyavahāra-niryukti, 2. Vyavahāra-bhāsya, 3. Vyavahāra-vrtti (Malayagiri), 4. Vyavahāra-vivarana.
The title of this sūtra is “Nišitha" 3 The word "Niśitha' is explained in the Bhāşya as standing for what is unmanifest orbidden. This sūtra predominantly deals with the exceptions to the general rules and so it is not open to all readers who fall in three categories :
1. Apariņāmaka-Perscos of immature intellect. 2. Pariņāmaka--Persons of mature intellect. 3. Atiparināmaka-Persons who are too intelligent and indulge in bad logic.
Of the three categories, the first and the last are not entitled to read the Niśitha. A person who is incapable of keeping secret is not qualified to read the 1 Vyavahārabháşya, Udd. 2, G. 90 ;
vavahāro āyoyaņā sohi pachhittameva egattha. 2 Ibid, 10/345 :
savvam pi ya pachhittam, paccakkhāṇassa tatiyavatthummi /
tatto vi ya nichhudha pakappakappo ya vavahäro // 3 Niśithabhăşya, śloka 65.
jam hoti appagāsäm tam tu nisiham ti logasamsiddhi /
jam appagásadhammam anne pi tayam nisidham till 4 Niśitha cürņi, p. 165 :
puriso tiviho--pariņāmago, apariņāmago, atipariņāmago, to ettha apariņāmaga-atipariņāmagäņam padiseho.
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