ples of monastic conduct and alms-begging. According to the Angapannatti the subject matter of the sūtra are the rules and regulations of alms tour and the purity of alms. According to the Tattvārtha vrtti of Sruta sāgara, the Daśavaikālika describes, in ten chapters beginning with Vrksa-kusuma (Drumapuspikâ) embodying the behaviour and conduct of the monastic order.
This brief description will give a broad idea of the nature of the Dasavaikālika but Ācārya Sayyambhava has explained a number of topics along with the exposition of the complete monastic code of conduct. The fundamentals of topics like Biology, Meditational discipline, etc. have also found place in this sūtra.
III UTTARĀDHYAYANA This Agama is called Uttaradhyayana. 'Uttarādhyayana' is a compound word consisting of uttara and adhyayana. The phrase 'Chattisam Uttarajjhayaņā+ of the Samavāyānga does not refer to the thirty-six chapters of a single Uttarādhyayana, but it signifies chattisa uttara adhyayanas (thirty-six successive chapters). In the Nandi too we get the plural form Uttarajjhayaņāņi.In the last śloka of the Uttaradhyayana also we find the phrase Chattisar Uttarajjhāe....... The author of the Niryukti has used the word Uttaradhyayana in the plural.? The author of the cūrni has accepted a single śrutaskandha consisting of thirty-six uttarādhyayanas, but even then he bas admitted a plural application, viz. Uttarajjhayanāni.
From such plural nomenclature, it follows that the Uttaradhyayana is only a conglomeration of adhyayanas, and not a monograph by a single author. The expression uttara is a relative term implying pūrva. The author of the cūrni has described the adhyayana in thtee ways, viz. 1 Satkhandägamaḥ, satprarüpaņā, 1/1/1, p. 97:
dasaveyaliyam āyāra-goyara-vihim vannei. 2 Angapannatti, 3/24 :
jadi gocarassa vihim:pindavisuddhim ca jam parūvehi! dasaveäliyasuttam daha kālā jatha samvuttă // 3 Tattvärthavrtti of Srutasägara, p..67 :
vrkşakusumādinām daśanam bhedakathakam yatināmācārak athakañca daśavaikälikam. 4 Samavão, Samavaya 36 5 Nandi, sūtra 43. 6 Uttaradhyayana, 36/268. 7 Uttaradhyayana Niryukti, gātha 4:
chattisam uttarajjhayanā. 8 Uttaradhyayanacūrni, p. 8:
etesim ceva chattisāe uttarajjhayanānam samudayasamitisamägamegam uitarajjhayanabhāvasutakkhandheti labbhai, tāni puna chattisam uttarajjhayanāni imehim nämehim anugantavvāni. 9 Uttaradhyayana-curni, p. 6:
viņayasuyam saultaram jivājivabhigamo niruttaro, sarvottara ityarthah, sesajjhayaņāni sauttarâni niruttaräni ya, kaham ? parīsahả viņayasuyassa uttarä сaurangijjassa tu puvvā iti käum niruttarā.
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