committed to writing in his time were disorganized to a very great extent in this long interval. A fresh council was therefore a desideratum. Acārya Sri Tulsi made an attempt at holding a consentaneous Council, but could not succeed. Ultimately we arrived at the view that our Council will serve the purpose of the consensual one, if it was based on impartial research and complete dedication to the cause of truth. We started our work in accordance with this resolution.
The chief inspiration to this Council is the Acārya-Sri. The Council is a deliberative assembly headed by an eminent personality who combines in himself a variety of functions, the chief among them being teaching and instuctions, translation, investigation, critical study, sorting out correct reading, and so on.
We enjoyed the active co-operation, guidance and encouragement in all these activities from the Acārya-Sri. This indeed was our strength and support for undertaking such an arduous task.
Ins.ead of feeling relieved of the burden by expressing my gratitude to the Acārya-Śrī, it would be better for me to feel more burdened by the support of his blessing for the future work and responsibility.
In editing the present volume of Navasuttāņi. I received sufficient cooperation from my parmanent associate Muni Sudarśanji, Muni Madhukarji and Muni Hiralalji.
In the work of ascertaining the readings Muni Balchandji, Muni Maņilalji and the late Jaichandlalji Kothāri also offered assistance
In proof-reading, assistance was offered by Sadhvis Vimalprajñā and Siddhaprajñā and Samaņi Kusumaprajñā in addition to Muni Sudarśanji and Muni Hiralalji.
The extent of the text was determined by Muni Mohanlal (Amet). The appendices were prepared by Muni Hiralalji.
I express my gratitude to all of them in appreciation of their co-operation in the completion of the work
I cannot afford to forget on this occasion the services rendered by the late Madanchandji Gothi, who had a very sound knowledge of the Agamas. Had he been alive, he would have felt satisfied on the publication of this volume.
The Managing Director of the Agama series, Shri Shrichandji Rampuria, ViceChancellor, Jain Viswa Bhārati has been taking interest in this work since its inception. He is ever devoted to the task of popularising the Agamic lore. After retiring from his well-established profession, he has been devoting a major part of his time to the service of Agama literature. As in the case of the volumes of the Angasuttāni, he has taken keen interest in the publication of the present volume.
We feel ineffable joy and pleasure on the publication of this volume on the
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