fuktam mülaţikāyām' ‘äha ca mülatīkākāraḥ2 ‘uktam ca mülaţikāyām”3 'āha ca mülaţikākäraḥ 4 "aha ca mūlațīkākārah' Suktañca mülaţikāyāṁ's ‘uktañca mülaţikākāreņa'? "aha ca mülaţikäkārah', 'cūrnikāstvevamāha'8
āha ca mülatīkākārah' "aha ca cūrņikst'' ‘uktanca mülaţikāyām', 'Jīvābhigama mūlaţikāyām 10 ‘äha ca mūlaţikākāro’pi’ ‘āha ca cūrņikst'11 'tathā cāha mulaţikäkāraḥ 12 'âha ca mülacūrņikst'13 'mülațīkākāro'pyāha ......cũrộikāro'pyāha?14 'āha cūrņikyt'5 'tathä сāha mülațīkākaraḥ:16 'āha ca cūrņikst’17 ‘uktam cūļņau'18 ‘āha ca mūlaţikākāraḥ:19 'āha cũrņikst āha ca tīkākāraḥ 20 'mūlațīkākāreņāpi'21
‘āha ca mülatīkākāraḥ 22 Fulfilling the assignment
The credit of editing this text goes to a great extent to Yuvācārya Mahāprajña, because the work has been accomplished through his perseverance day and night, otherwise this onerous task was difficult to be finalised He is basically inclined towards yoga. Therefore it is easy for him to maintain his equipoise (concentration). Not only that, being engrossed in the study of the Āgamas in a routine manner he has developed a keen intellect in grasping the inner mysteries of things. The credit of his intellectual development goes to his humbleness, diligence and total surrender to his preceptor. He has been displaying such inclination since childhood. Since he came over to me, this 1. Vrtti, p. 141
12. Vrtti, p. 354 2. p. 142
13., p. 369 3. , p. 142
14. p. 370 4. , p. 277
15: ,, p. 384 5. p. 186
16. p. 438 6. , p. 204
17. , p.441 7. , P 205
18., p. 442 8. , p. 209
19. p. 444 9., p. 210
20., p. 450 10., p. 214
21. , p. 452 p. 321
22. , p. 457
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