The present book is Uvangasuttani. It contains the original text of twelve Upāngas with variant readings and abbreviated texts. It has two parts. The first part contains three Agamas (1) Oväiyam, (2) Rayapaseniyam and (3) Jīvājīvābhigame. The second part contains nine ägamas : (1) Pannavana, (2) Jambuddivapannatti, (3) Candapannatti, (4) Sürapannatti, (5) Nirayāvaliyao (Kappiyão), (6) Kappavadisiyão (7) Pupphiyão, (8) Pupphacũliyão, (9) Vanhidasão.
In the ancient tradition we find the following two classifications of the āgamas :
(1) Angapravişta and (2) Angabahya.
There was no such categorisation as Upånga in the old tradition. Nandīsätra bears no mention of any Upanga. In any older agama too, Upārga has not been mentioned. The Tattvārthabhāşya uses this word for the first time, which is the earliest in the available texts." Relation between Anga and Upanga
Tattvārthasūtra mentions the word Upanga, but it does not indicate any relationship between them. We find it mentioned in the vrtti of Jambūdvīpaprajñapti and the Sukhabodha Samācāri at page 34, composed by Shrichandra Sūri, the commentator of Nirayāvalikā. According to Jambūdvīpaprajñapti, the interrelationship between angas and upārgas is shown as under :Anga
Upārga Acāsānga
-Aupapātika Sūtrakstāiga
-Rājapraśniya Sthanānga
-Jivajivābhigama Samavāyānga
- Prajapana Bhagavati
-Jambūdvipaprajfiapti Jñātādharmakatha
-Candraprajāapti Upăsakadašā
-Sūryaprajñapti AntakȚddaśa
- Nirayāvalikā( Kalpika) Anuttaropapātikadasă - Kalpāvatansika
1. Tattvārthabhāşya, 1/20 : tasya ca mahăvişayatvättăastānarthanadhikrtya prakaranasamāptya
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