2. Change of script.
3. Assimilation of the commentary with the text.
4. Intervention of time and place.
When Silänkarsuri wrote his Vritti on the 'Sutrakṛita', he had its specimens and ancient commentary (Tika) both. In one place of the second. Addhyayna of the second Śrutäskandha, the reading was not similar to that of the specimens, and the reading, that was commented on, was not found consistant with that of any specimen. He, therefore, commented on the said passage honouring only one specimen."
We have adopted the readings of the Ćurni in some places. In comparision to that of the specimens and the Vritti they appear more relevant.
In 2/6/45 the reading is 'niho nisam'. It has been commented on in the Vritti as 'piwo nisam'. We have adopted the reading of the Cürni there".
We have discussed the changes in the text and their causes under the footnotes. It was keenly endeavoured in the Vedic tradition also to maintain the originality of the text of the Vedas. But in their texts, too, there have been timely violations. Dr. Viswabandhu writes"-"It is a fact accepted by all that great pains, which know no parallel in the world. history of literature, were taken in this country to maintain the texts of the Vedic literature in their original and correct form by learning them by heart with great care and utmost reverence during the past five thousand years. Nevertheless, as the scholars, preceding to us, inicidently found here. and there as we have largely seen during our incessant research work for the past forty years, these works, too, could not be saved from the effects of time bound damages and insufficient human hurlings. Had it been mostly the other way, truly, it would be an incredible miracle,"
Continuing with the tradition of cramming and passing from one to the other age of script-change in the prolonged period. Some places of every work have deviated from their originality.
1. Suttrakritavritti, page 79:
Iha ca prayah suttradarsesu nanabhidhani Suttrani drisyante, na ca tika sambadhekapyasmabhiradarsah samuphabdhot
Jain Education International
viwaranam kriyate.
2. See, Footnote on 2/6/45.
3. Akhilabharatiya praciya-vidya Sammelan, Twentifourth gathering, Varanasi 1968, Mukhyadyaksiya speech, page, 8-9,
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