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194] [Prajñāpanasūtra] Gotama! How many are the *dravyendriya*s of a *sarvārthasiddha* deva in the past? Gotama! None. How many are the bound *dravyendriya*s? Gotama! None. How many are the *pureskṛta* *dravyendriya*s? Gotama! Some have them, some don't. Those who have them, have eight. / 1047. [1] Gotama! How many *dravyendriya*s are perceived in the *naraka* state of a *sarvārthasiddha* deva? Gotama! Infinite. How many are the bound *dravyendriya*s? Gotama! None. How many are the *pureskṛta* *dravyendriya*s? Gotama! None. [2] In the same way, from the state of *asurakumāra* to the state of *graiveyakadeva*, excluding the state of *manuṣya*, the *dravyendriya*s of a *sarvārthasiddha* deva are infinite. How many are the bound *dravyendriya*s? Gotama! Some have them. How many are the *pureskṛta* *dravyendriya*s? Gotama! Eight.