Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Knowledge of the Two-Sensory World-Dwelling Beings:
* **Classification and Types of Two-Sensory Beings (70)**
## Knowledge of the Three-Sensory World-Dwelling Beings:
## Knowledge of the Four-Sensory World-Dwelling Beings:
## Knowledge of the Four Types of Five-Sensory World-Dwelling Beings:
## Knowledge of the Nairyika Beings: (61-68)
## Knowledge of All Five-Sensory, Non-Human Beings:
* **Three Categories: Aquatic, Terrestrial, Aerial**
* **Five Categories of Aquatic Beings (74)**
* **Various Categories of Terrestrial Five-Sensory Beings (66-81)**
* **Origin of the Prasalika (86-61)**
* **Various Categories of Aerial Five-Sensory, Non-Human Beings: Skin-winged, Hair-winged, Sea-winged, Spread-winged**
## Knowledge of All Human Beings:
* **Fourteen Places of Origin for the Sammuchchhima Human (62-103)**
* **Three Types of Garbhaja Humans (103-106)**
* **Twenty-Eight Categories of Antarvipaka Humans (103-106)**
* **Thirty Categories of Akarmabhumika Humans (103-106)**
* **Two Categories of Karmabhumika Humans: Arya and Mleccha (103-106)**
* **Categories of Mleccha (Non-Arya) (103-106)**
* **Various Categories of Arya (103-106)**
* **Six Categories of Riddhi-Prapt Arya (Arhat, Chakravarti, etc.) (101)**
* **Nine Categories of Riddhi-A-Prapt Prarya (102)**
* **Six and a Half Categories of Kshetrarya (103)**
* **Six Categories of Jatyarya (104)**
* **Six Categories of Kularya (105-106)**
* **Various Categories of Karya-Shilparya (107)**
* **Who is a Bhasharya? Eighteen Categories of Script (108-138)**
* **Various Categories of Gyanarya, Darshanarya, Charitraraya (107)**
* **Where and How do Antarvipaka Humans Exist? (107)**
* **Discussion of Akarmabhumika and Arya Castes (107)**
* **Various Reviews of Charitraraya (106-111)**
## Knowledge of the Four Types of Devas:
* **Ten Categories of Bhavanvasi Devas (140)**
* **Eight Categories of Vanavyantar Devas (141)**
* **Five Categories of Jyotishka Devas (112)**