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5. Study the topics discussed in the 13th century, 4th Uddesaka, and other relevant texts. 2. For the understanding of the size of the Lok:
1. See Acharangasutra Shruta 1. A. 8, U. 2.
The scope of inquiry regarding the Lok is very vast. In Jain Agamas, the intended meaning of Lok is 'Rajju Lok', because it is divided into 14 divisions, hence it is also known as 'Fourteen Rajju Lok'. Similarly, the concept of 'Fourteen Rajju Lok' is also found and described in Vedic scriptures.
Proof of one Rajju Lok - 'If a god throws an iron ball weighing a thousand bharas from the sky with all his might, and that iron ball crosses as much area in six months, six days, ghari, six pal, that area is called one Rajju Lok.' The size of the fourteen Rajju Lok is like a man standing with both legs straight and hands placed on both sides of his waist. In Agam literature, it is called Lok Purusha. In this, there are six substances, including Dharma-astikaya (time substance).
The Akasha-astikaya outside the Lok is called 'Alok' because it does not have these six substances. The extent of Alok is infinitely larger than that of Lok.
There are three parts of the Lok: 'Urdhva', 'Adha' and 'Tiriyak'. In these, there is a 'Tiriyaklok' which is nine hundred yojanas above and nine hundred yojanas below, making a total thickness of eighteen hundred yojanas, one Rajju wide. From there, there is an 'Adholok' of seven Rajju measure, nine hundred yojanas less, and the 'Urdhva Lok' is also seven Rajju measure, nine hundred yojanas less.
In short, this is a general introduction to the Lok. For special knowledge, the beginning to end observation of Ganitanuyog, 'Lok Prakash', Kshetra-samas etc. are worth seeing. 6. The light of the Sun and its nature
The light that pervades the Tiriyaklok is obtained only from the Suns. The Suns that illuminate the divisions inside and outside the human Lok are separate, and from this point of view, the plurality of Suns is proved. The illuminator of this middle Lok
P. Kahi Nam Bhanta! Logassa Aayam Majjhe Panate? U. Go Yama! Imise Rayan Prabhae Pudhave, Ovasantarassa Asankhejjai Bhaganga Ettha Van Logassa Aayam Majjhe Panate. Pr. Kahi Nam Bhanta! Ahe Logassa Aayam Manjhe Panate? U. Go Yama! Chauthie Pakappbhaae Pudhave, Ovasantarassa Sairagem Addham Ogaahita, Ettha Nam Ahe Logassa Aayam Manjhe Panate. . Pr. Kahi Nam Bhanta Uddhalogassa Aayam Majjhe Panate? U. Go Yama! Uppim Sanankumar-Mahi Daanang Kapanang Hethim Bambaloae Kappe Rithe Viman Pathhade Ettha Nam Uddhalogassa Aayam Majjhe Panate. Pr. Kahi Nam Bhanta! Tiriyalogassa Aayam Manjhe Panate?
U. Go Yama! Jambuddive Dive Mandarassa Pavvaya Bahumajjha Desabhaae Imise Rayan Prabhae Pudhave Uvarim Hetthille Su Khudhug Payare Su, Etthanam Tiriyaloyamanjhe Atthap Aesie Ruye Panate, Jao Nam Imaao Das Disao Pavahanti, Tam Jaha-Puratthima Puratthima Dahi Na Evam Jaha Dasamasate Jav Namdhej Tti
Viya, Sa, 13 U. 4 Su 10-15 2. Athiloye, Natthiloye, Dhuleloye, Adhuleloye, Sadieloe, Anadiyaloe Sapjjavasiye Loe Apjjasie Loe, Sukade Ti Va Dukade Ti Va Kallaane Ti Va, Paave Ti Va Sadhu Ti Va Asadhu Ti Va Siddhi Ti Va Asiddhi Ti Va Nirae Ti Va Anirrae Ti Va.
Bhasha. Shru. 9 A. 8 U. 1 Su 200
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