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## Anuttaropapatikadasa
The state of Anuttaropapatikadasa does not allow for the attainment of the transcendental state of Nirvana. Their decay occurs either through the experience of Vipaka (consumption) or through the fire of Tapas (austerity). If one solely relies on consumption, their complete destruction is impossible, as new karmas accumulate alongside the consumption of existing ones. Therefore, their decay must be achieved through the fire of Tapas. It is clear that along with Samyagdarshan (right faith), Samyagjnana (right knowledge) and Samyakcharitra (right conduct), and especially Tapas (austerity) are essential.
Thus, with the help of knowledge and conduct, blessed Anugars and other great men like them either attain liberation upon the complete exhaustion of their karmas, or if some karmas remain and their lifespan ends, they are born as Devas in the Anuttara Vimanas. Those born in these Vimanas are bound to attain liberation in one or two births. Therefore, this Agam describes those great individuals who have been born in these Vimanas.
The final lesson in this Sutra is that these great sages, even while performing intense austerities, studied the Ekadasanga Sutras. Therefore, every seeker should strive to study the scriptures with competence, so that they can attain the state of Nirvana in due course.
Anuttaropapatikadasa is a Shruta-Skandha. It has three sections. It is taught over three days. The first section has ten Uddesakas, the second section has thirteen Uddesakas, and the third section has ten Uddesakas. The remaining details, which are not explicitly mentioned in this Anga, should be understood in the same way as the Jnatadharmakathasutra.