1 Bhisma on the horns of a dilemma.
The Parashuramian, Poona. Vol. 24, No. 1. 2 The Nandi verses in the Ratnavalt.
The Parashuramian, Poona. Vol. 25, No. 1. 3 Jagaddhara's indebtedness to Harihara, an ancient commentator
of the Mālatīmīdhava. The Annals of the Bhandarkar O. R. Institute,
Vol. XXII. 1941. Parts 1—3. 4 Mālātīmādhava-laghuvivarana by Pandit Dharānanda :
His Date and other works written by him. Silver Jubilee Number of the Annals of the Bhandarkar
O. R. Institute. Vol. XXIII. 1942. 5 Citations in the Vidyullatā.
Poona Orientalist Vol. IX, Nos. 3—4. 6 An interpolation in the Nāndi verses in the Ratnāvali of Sri Harga.
Journal of the T, S, M, Library, Tanjore Vol. II, No. 2. 7 One of the oldest dated Ms. of the Padyāvali of Rūpagosvāmin.
The Prācya-Vänt, Calcutta. Vol. 2, No. 2. 8 Two versions of the Padyataranginī of Vrajanātha.
Dr. C. K. Raja Presentation Vol., 1946. 9 The Padyatarongini of Vrajanātha--An analysis and an index,
Poona Orientalist, Vol. XI, Nos. 1—2. 1946. 10 Kavi Karikana
Journal of the Ganganath Jha Research Institute,
Vol. IV, pp. 175-181. II Importance of the Camatkāratarangini to Marathi:
Lexicography-Read before All Ind. Ori. Conf. Nagpur. 12 Prakrit Studies in the Bombay University-Read before the
Philological Association, Poona. 13 Developments in Sanskrit Literature, from 1945 to 1947. Read
before the P. E. N. Conference, Benares, 1947. 14 Developments in Marathi Literature, from 1945 to 1947. Read
before the P. E. N. Conference, Benares, 1947. 15 Recent Developments in Sanskrii Studies. Aryan Path, Feb.
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