The tex
Critical notice of the Manuscripts
The text of the Buddhi Vilāsa edited in the present work is based upon two manuscripts obtained from the Āmber Šāstra Bhandāra, Jaipur and are hereafter mentioned as A & B and the title of the work as BV.
Ms. No.
: 1881. Name
: Buddhi - Vilāsa. Author
: Bakhata Rāma Säha. Material
: Paper. Script
: Devanagari. Extent of the Ms : 75 Folios; Complete. Size of leaves : 23 cm x 16.5 cm Number of lines : Varies considerably within 17 to 30. Letters
: 25-30 per line. Writing
: Legible; Marginal corrections stand by the
signal 4 marked with yellow pigment. Age
: 1827 Samvat (i.e. 1770 A.D.). Begins
: ऊँ नम सिद्धयेभ्यः नमः अथ वृद्धिविलास नाम ग्रंथ लिष्यते । Ends
: इति श्री वुद्धिविलास नाम ग्रंथ सम्पूर्ण ॥ लिषंत वषतराम
साह श्रुभं भवत् ॥ alattu leftu pu n i situ ustu
In the end there is a remark which has nothing to do with the text i.e.
"पंडितजी श्री चंदजी की पुसतग नजरि कीयो संवत् १८३२."t
The author had presented the work to Pandit Jai Candra in the year A.D. 1775. A, seems to be the autograph copy. Jai Candra Chābarā was a famous Jaina scholar, born in the year 1748 A.D. in the village Phāgi, 25 miles in south of Jaipur. My information is based upon an article on Jai Candra Chābară written by Prakāśa Šāstri, appearing in the “Vira-Vāņi”, (JulyAugust 1947) published from Jaipur. The article contains a reference to
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