Hirsā ]
Samaya-Moment or instant, an unit of
time which is coordinated with an atom of matter and a point of space; defined II, 46; origination etc. in II,
47; initial nature of II, 50. Samaya-Doctrine or creed; para- and
svaka- defined II, 2, 6. Samiti-Carefulness III, 8.
death III, 24 *16. Samyama-Self-control or discipline;
defined III, 39 *21. Samsāra-Transmigratory existence; de
fined II, 28. Sāgāra-A householder II, 102; duty of
III, 50; the highest duty of III, 54;
see also srāvaka. Siddha-A liberated Soul: an embodi. ment of absolute happiness and omni- science, and also a Divinity I, 68; salu
tation to I, 68 *4. Siddhi--see Nirvāņa. Sukha-Happiness; in fubhopayoga I,
11; in suddhopayoga I, 13; equated
with omniscience I, 19; of an omniscient I, 20; two kinds of I, 53; absolute happiness defined and equated with omniscience I, 59; happiness of senses is misery I, 76; absolute happi
ness as an object of meditation II, 106. Sūtra-The sacred text; its constitution
and equation with knowledge I, 34. Skandha--An aggregate; formation of II,
74-75. Strī (mokşa)—Liberation of women;
discussed III, 24 *7-14. Sthāvara (-kāya)-Immovable being, i. e.,
those that possess only the sense of touch; they are five: earth, water, fire,
air and plants. II, 90. Syadvāda—see saptabhangi. Svayambhū-The self-existent; definition
of I, 16; as a collocation of origination,
destruction and permanence I, 17. Himsā-Harm unto beings; framana's
commission of III, 16; bondage due to III, 17.
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