Loc. sing.
89a, g 1416 and 186d. cf. TESSITORI § 61 end. It is to be noted that Early Maithili also had these three forms for the loc. sing. pure stem without any affix, forms in, forms in (See VR. § 35). In Prakritised passages is found for. 996 and 1036 owe their y to the influence of the following 4. Twice if is used, in 196 and 115d. Nom. plur. For the forms in see § 51 B. (3). The only representatives of the neuter plur. forms are सयाइँ — तुलसीयलाई 62c, d and 174a. The first two of these occur in the section listing trees and at the end of the Paddhaḍika-pada. The remaining qualifies the masc. plur. . Cf. JACOBI'S observations in the San. on the tendency to use indiscriminately the masc, and neu. forms in the nom, plur. - Instr. plur. Trochaic rhyme explains the occurrence of six (18 d and e, 202 a and b, 205 a and b) out of the eight forms in 'gf. The stanza 115 in which सरेहि occurs is a वर्णवृत्त. There remains only चलणेहि 25d. Gen. plur. Once is attested in a Prakritised stanza: मुक्खाह 250. - Abl. plur. The solitary case is a 1026. The Dohākošas have ag for both the singular as well as the plural.
§ 53. The enlarged declension of the a-stems. For gog's Apabhramsa ALSDORF has shown that there the phenomenon of enlargement (by the addition of i. e. "") in the case of the ar-stems is conditioned by word-rythm, firstly because in a substantial majority of the cases, the enlargement takes place after a heavy syllable and secondly because the enlarged stem appears mostly before those case-endings which consist of one mora, the normal stem appearing before those consisting of two moras. This latter fact means that the enlargement is mostly confined to three cases: nom./acc. sing., nom./acc, plur. and loc. sing. These observations are applicable also to the language of the SR. The only difference is that here the enlarged stem is most prominent in the nom./acc. sing. and plur., while else where it gives the impression of a phenomenon tending to vanish. This is clearly shown by the statistics of various enlarged forms attested in our text:
nom/acc. sing. in a
(14 pres. part., 50 'regular' pret. part, 100 the rest.)
1 किंसुबह and पलासर 2090, b are doubtful,
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