Sing. Nom. Acc. 07; .
Instr. 50; ora 20, 9; OPE/TE 9;°3 6. Gèn.. 37€; a 9. Abl. OSTE 4. Loc. ° 93, t/t 12; 03 12.
Voc. : 037. Plur. Nom. Acc. °37.
Instr. Polska 47, ope/state 8, ogle/git 8, °84 2. Gen. Abl. 378 1. Loc. P/SP 143 1.
Voc. °37. Remarks. For some general observations consult g 51 B. end.-Nom. Acc. sing. Even after ruling out (i) the indeclinables, (ii) the cases (more than 50 ) which can be obviously construed as words forming a compound with the preceding or the following word rather than as nominatively or accusatively inflected forms and (iii) the cases (about 30 ) for which there is an acceptable variánt in '3 in any one Ms., there still remains a substantial number of words (roughly 25 ) for which there is no other alternative but to assume that in these oases the bare stem is used as a nom. or acc. sing. form. For such 'endingless' forms of other cases see § 51. B. The Dohākos'as also use the bare stem in the nom. acc. sing. of the systems. See SHAHIDULLAH, p. 38; San., p. XXVIII.-In Prakritised passages et appears in the nom/acc, sing. instead of "3. The only s form 886 ocours in a Tel.-Instr. sing. In a Prakritised stanza ocours H 110c with the o of the ending lengthened metri causa to
g. Out of the 9 forms in bot, six (For-HÜCUT 69 and forescar-farceur 97 at the end of the Dohā-pādas and TESTUOI-YETUTET 209 closing the Paddhaçi-pādas) are metrically conditioned. The remaining are विणएण 746, पिएण 1386 (both occurring in Dohas) and विरहेण 86d. The forms in sta/gree are in 49d, afgre 50a, 117f, 1920 (in ope), Carafois 50d, prestare 1050, SAE 106c, af 154d and nefart 1870. The Dohākos'as also employ of in the sing. of the instr. and loc. See SHAHIDULLAH, p. 38; San., p. XXVIII mid. cf. TESSITORI 8 59 end.—Gen. sing. An isolated form in osig, viz., forang 706, cours at the end of a Dohā rhyming with the pronominal alg, while पहियस्सoccurs in a वर्णवृत्त (856). There does not occura single form in °E.-Abl. sing. The forms are formaty 24a, quantage
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