of these cases are already known to Pk. (especially to Ardha-Māgadhi)".
In Parerea ( = * = fake = fans) 130d, in the postposition are in Authfel = #F1*; contrast Halle 203c) 166a and probably in fata (=37fam) 137a this sort of double reduction (or “double shift") is seen even though the preceding vowel is short..
§ 38. Anaptyxis'.
(a) Some notable cases in general: E ( E) 19d, 886 and ATE 1006 (otherwise üle 23a); Fata (from ) 86a, wafa 181a and gata 1036 etc. (otherwise fa 976, FR# 165d); af (= sf) 171d, pifaa (from a)183d, TheZ (from ) 223b, leta 164a, BRFeat (from ) 223c, Pk. arauft (aresoft) 213a, ara (=a) 2130—all these on the one hand and afa ( =qf) 2040, ita ( = 59$) 1910, etc., (7) re ( = 599) 195a, Pk, arreu (=ano)84a—all these on the other; this collocation shows the newly-developed tendency of using a as the parting' vowel side by side with the old 5. Further we have to add grau (= a) 940, etc., ofan ( = FUT) 177Q; AUTRE ( =*72) 83a and Faut (= Text ) 82a (both metri causa); afssiga( = sfatafana i. e. tryfera) 28a;
cf. TESSITORI, S 2 (6) a.
(b) Certain form-types based on anaptyxis. The absolutives in a ($ 68) like Aakre have evolved from the prototypes like fase by the dissolution of the consonant-group in the final syllable. Same is the case with the passives in Farla. ($ 71). Forms like Sk. argd would give **ing and after the substitution of the active for the middle endings, 173; difference in accent would develop this further into the (PISCHEL § 91 ). And finally the gerundives in ora/507. ($70): here also the Sk. gerundives like cat would give feet and freut in accordance with the difference in accent, the twofold development being exactly parallel to that of the passive ending. _-_of. also the two isolated instrumentals उससंतिया and वरसंतिया'
§ 39. Gemination. It relates to the intervocalic stops -which otherwise are elided in the Middle Indo-Aryan. It
1 of. SHAHIDULLAH, p. 37-38. 2 It is to be borne in mind that the casos noted in this as well as the
next article mostly concern words that are semi-tatsama or modified borrowings' from Sanskrit.
3 . T.
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