SAMDESARĀSAKA C. In tervocalic original or secondary (i. e. resulting from an original q, 7 or h) is elided in a considerable number of cases:
(a) before the. initial इ or ए of an ending or a sufilx; (i) in the final syllable : सरलाइवि (= सरलाविवि, abs. from / सरलाव = *सरलापय्) 26b, मंनाएवि (= मनावेवि) 746, भाइयइ (= भावि i. e. भाव्यते) 526, चडाइयइ (= चडावि from / चडाव) 520, लाइयइ (= लावि from Vलाव i.e. लागय्) 189a, सुहाइयइ (= सुहावि = सुखाप्यते) 189b; धूइज्जइ (= धूवि fromvधूव = धूपय्) 1894 ; रुइवि (= रुविवि, abs. from / स्व). 67a, मंनाइ (= मंनावि, abs. from Vमंनाव); भाइण (= भाविण = भावेण) 950, 183d, धूइण ( = *धूविण = धूमेन) 1930;
भाइ (= भावि i. e. भावेन) 19c, ठाइ (= *ठावि = ठामि from स्थामन्) 43c, etc.3 पाइ (= *पावि = पापिन्) 191f, पाइय (= पाविय from / पाव = प्राप्) 11403; (ii) in the body of the word : कयवर ( = कई = कवि) 44d; .
(b) before (mostly) the terminational उ and medial उ or ओ : रंउ (= रवु = रवः) 45b, etc. (five times), संताउ (= संतावु = संतापः) 760, जीउ (= जीवु = जीवः) 1548, 217d, पाउ (= पावु = पापम् ) 206d, तंडउ (= तंडवु = ताण्डवम्) 212b; सउ, सूरग्गउ, पंचउ (see A. above); मयउ (= *मयवु = मृगव्यु) 836; सउन्न (= *सँवुन्न = संपूर्ण) 24c, तिउर (= *तिवुर = त्रिपुर)420, अउव्व (= *अवुव्व = अपूर्व) 4600; पउक्क (see 833); विउद्धी (= विबुद्धिय i. e. विबुद्धी enlarged) 154a; कओल (कवोल = कपोल) 187b.
(c) before : तिहुयण (= त्रिभुवन) 18a, etc. ( thrice), भुयण (= भुवन) 180d, etc. (thrice), सुयरतिय (see A. above), cf. सकोयल (A B;= सकोमलम् ) 1230, धुय (= ध्रुवम् ) 2096; णिअत्तय (= णिवत्तय = निवृत्त enlarged) 30d, Pk. अणियत्त (= अणिवत्त = अनिवृत्त) 84ca and अणियत्ती (= अणिवत्ति = अनिवृत्ति) 128a, इअ (-इव) 193d; गेय (= नैव) 30d, 990, 111b etc.; गोयंगण (= गोवंगण = गोपाङ्गना) 1460.
In many a case the alternative form with the go preserved also occurs in the text. This tendency to drop intervocal a is discernible in the Midland dialects Braj, Khari Bolī, etc. For Early Maithili cf. VR. $ 18. 834. Miscellaneous.
A. °स् becomes हू' in' सनेह (= संदेस = संदेश) 190, Pk. 4b, दह 1 Dingal has yet in accordance with this tendency. In the light of
other cases from the text collected here (cf. PISCHEL see also $ 35 (vi) below) there would remain no diffioulty in the way of connecting a with Tag against a which otherwise suggests itself as the Sk. original of Bag (See KATRE: 'A Muslim contribution to Apabhramsa Literature'-The Karnataka Historical Review, Jan.July 1937, p. 16). The derivation is also supported by the com. and the
subject-matter of the poem. 2 In désinences thé g in the gen. sing., in the h-future and in 'fe of the
pres.2.sing.derives from an original सू.
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