N=The Northern Recension
Archetype a Version A: The northernmost of our established versions, conservative and well-determined both as to the actual stanzas and their readings. Hence, this occupies a place analogous to that of Kaśmiri-Śāradā sources in the Mahābhārata oritical apparatus, and like them agrees at times with the Malayalam group from the extreme south. Besides the MSS given below, the version is attested by BBRAS 103, a corrupt and uncommented MS of samvat 1875 from Vikrampura [-Bikaner?]; by the extra stanzas in the current Gujarati Printing Press edition of Bhartrhari; also by Leipzig 419; by the fragmentary Bikaner 65; and Limbdi 1103. The stanza labheta sikatāsu [319] is omitted, while avartah samsayānām occurs twice as N 51 and 3 29. The commentary [in A0.1] is by Rūpacanda, a Jain of the Kharataragaccha; gimple but acourate, it agrees far better with its own text than is the case with commentators of other versions; its language, with verb-forms like chai and nominal terminations ro-ri-rā is a mixture of Jaipuri and Marwārī, in the classification of J. Grierson's Linguistic Survey of India.
A - BORI 796/1886-92; size 10" x 4-3/8"; fol. 3-93, 1-2 missing; 1. 11-13, let. 38-42. Dated 1770 December 16. Commentary continuous with the text in the same clear and bold hand. Tends to add an extra mātrā, particularly at the end of a quarter, probably from miscopying from original punctuation dandas. Colophon:
तरणि तेज परतरै गच्छ जिण भगति सूरि गुरु । विजयमांन वडवषत षेमसाषा मधिसद्वर । वाणारस. गुणवंत सुख्य वरधन अति सुजस । बाणारसविरुदाल श्रीदयालसिंघ सिष्य तस। तसु चरणरेणुसेवा तण भल प्रसाद मन भावीया । इम रूपचंद परगट अरथ सतक तीन समझाविया ॥२॥ छत्रपति कमधांछात सकल राज राजेसर । महाराजकुलमुगट श्री अभैसिंघ नरेसर । विजैराज तमु वीर सकल हुजदारसिरोमणि । जीवराज घण जांण प्रसिध मंत्री वीरघणि । मनरूप पुत्र तसु प्रबलमति आग्रह तसु आरंभिया । इम रूपचंद परगट अरथ सतक तीन समझाविया ॥३॥ श्रीरस्तुः॥ भद्रं भूयात् । संवत् १८२७ रा मिती मिगसर वदि १४ लिपीकृतं पं० फत्तेचंद उदैचंदौत् श्रीखरतरगच्छे। श्रीफलवधिका नगरे चतुर्मासी स्थितम् ।
Al - BBRAS 205/3 [ Bhāū Dāji]; size 9-1/2" x 4"; fol. 86, 1. 3 in text (let. 45-50)+ about 10 in commentary, in much smaller characters, grouped above cotresponding portions of text. Generally very carefully written and on the whole the best MS of our entire critical apparatus. Dated 1731 September 27 at Sojitnagar, probably Sojat near Marwar junction. Copyist Candravallabha, pupil of the commentator Rūpacanda. Colophon:
संवद्गजाष्टशैलेंदुवर्षे चाश्विनमासके । शुक्लपक्षनवम्याश्च सोमवारे लिखित प्रतिं ॥१॥ वाचका रूपचंद्राख्या. स्तछिष्यश्चंद्रवल्लभः । शुदंतीपुरे रम्ये प्रयास सफलव्यधात् ॥२॥ श्रीभवतु श्री स्यात्-com. संवत् १७८८ वरसरै विषे आसोजमासरै विषै उजवालापपरी नवमी तिथिरै विषै मंगलवाररै दिन आ परति लिषतौ हुऔ । वाचक श्रीरूपचंद्रजी तिणारौ शिष्य चंद्रवल्लभ जिगरौ सोजितनगरमध्ये प्रयास सफल करतौ हुऔ ॥ दूहौ ॥ सतरै सैं अठासीयै। सोजित सहर सुथांन । काती वदि तेरसि कीयो पूरण ग्रंथ प्रधान ॥१॥ कवित्ता || followed by two more stanzas, as in Ao.
A2 = RASB G7779; size 10-3/4x5"; fol. 28, 1. 12, let. 33-35. No commentary, rather oarelessly copied. Colophon: भर्तृशतकं सूत्रार्थसंपूर्णः
___A3 =Jodhpur 2; size 8-3/4" x 4-5/8", fol. 38, 1. 10, let. 30. Though quite fresh in appearance, dated 1761 January 7. Sanskrit text only, no commentary. An excellent codex, but contaminated by E readings. Śrīnātha
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