Academy, dated saka 1721, 324 fol. written on one side, Skdr. Sabdakalpadruma, of. Gild. Bibl. 540. Prasangābh(arapa). Kavitāpartak. Pafio. - Pancatantra, ed, Kosegarten; ed. Orn, Benfey Gött. gelehrter onzeigen, 1862, pp. 1361-1384; ed. Bombay 1868-9 by F. Kielhorn and O. Bühler. Nitisamk. = Gild. Bibl. 298. Samskrtapāthop. Såntis(ataka ), in Haeb. Vikramacaritra = MS copy by Roth from the Tübingen MS
emended by him from a Telugu printed edition, BPB. - Bhojaprabandha of Balläla, 10th ed. Bombay NSP 1932. BPS. = Bhojaprabandhaślokāh: BORI Viśrambag T. 248. JS. = BORI 1424/1887-91. An anonymous Jain “Subhūşitāvali", dated
samvat 1673 - A, D. 1616. JSV. BORI 1425/1887-91, fol. numbered 241-347, but complete, much
older than the other Jain anthologies cited here, and not of their common
prototype. KM. = Books published in the Kávyamālā series by the Nirnaysāgar Press
(NSP) at Bombay. Both old and new numbers are cited without further
distinction. PMT. – Padyāmrtatarangini of Haribhāskara (June 12, 1673); cf. P. K. Gode:
Calc. Or. Journal 1935, III, pp. 33-35; ed. S. B Chaudhari, Calcutta 1941.
Six stanzas, namely PMT 287-292 are ascribed to Bhartrhari. PT. = Padyatarangini of Vrajanātha. Pratikas from the paper by N. A.
Gore, Poona Orientalist XI, 1946, pp. 45-56. RKB. = Subhāşitaratnakośa of Bhimarjunasoma. About a third of this is the
fragment published by F. W. Thomas as the Kavindravacanasamuccaya. The identification is mine, from the description of the original palm leaf MS at the Ngor monastery in Tibet, as supplied by Rābula Sankrtyāyana JBORS XXI pt. 1, p. 42. Confirmation from the extremely poor photographs made by that scholar was supplied by V. V. Gokhale who dates the script as early 11th century. Better photographs are expected from Prof. G. Tucci. The copy reported as being in the possession of Rājaguru
Pt. Homarāja of Katmandu could not be duplicated. SA. = Subhāṣitārņava, sometimes ascribed to Subhacandra. A Jain antho
logy subdivided into 38 sections. Numbers cited from BORI 1498/188692, dated samvat 1609. Also available are BORI 1156/1884-8 of samvat 1601; BORI 1695/1875-76, dated samvat 1572, ascribed to Subhacandra,
and inflated. This may be the prototype of the Subhăsh. cited in BIS. Sabhyālankaraṇa of Govindajit - BORI 417/1884-87. SBH. = Subhäşitävali of Vallabhadeva (15th century ?) ed. Peter Peterson
and Durgaprasāda. Bombay 1886. This is identical with the Subhăş.
itāvali of Srivara, BORI 203 and 204/1875-76. SDK. - Saduktikarņāmrta of Śrīdharadása (circa 1205 A. D.). ed. MM,
Pt. Rāmăvatāra Śarmā. Lahore [Motilal Banarasi Dass ] -1933. The "unique ascriptions to Bharthari as well as of quite genuine Bharthari
slokas to others are notable. SG - Subhāşitārņava of Gopinētha, BORI 820/1886-92.
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