Uda( ipar): State collection at the Sarasvati Mandir; 7 MSS described
in M. L. Meņăria's Catalogue, pp. 70 and 96. No. 1633 is a Niti fragment,
13 a § with Dhanasāra's commentary, and 717 a modern copy of the V. The remaining four are complete. No. 1486, dated şamvat 1885, gives Rănā Pratāp's translation with a Sanskrit text which does not fit. No. 1650 has some queer omissions in Niti with an odd arrangement of the $. No. 1748, copied by 712, is part of a palace anthology (in uniform writing with prsthamātrās) of which the śrngāratilaka and the Pañcatantra were copied in samvat 1621, the Anangaranga imediately preceding Bhartrhari being copied in samvat 1623. Old horoscopes of the Udaipur house on blank sheets at the end show that A.D. 1566 is about the date of the s-N-V text, which is then the third oldest dated
Bhartshari text known in India, and the second oldest complete one. Ujjain): The Scindia O. R. Institute, Ujjain, C. I.; 19 MSS numberd as 18. VSP: Vangiya Sābitya Parişad, 243/1 Upper Circular Road, Calcutta. One
MS of each of the three satakas, in Bengali script on yellowed unglazed paper, but comparatively modern calligraphy, and certainly forming just one śatakatraya collection. Nos. 734 [122], 735 [ 65 ], and 737 [140] of the oatalogue. V colophon: Sri Mahesacandra Devasarnama Bandopādhyāyasya; 'śrī gurucarana mamăcală bhaktirastu; om tatsat. The version is very close to HU 2144 and Limbdi 885/1 for Niti, and Bikaner 3278 for $-V, so that it may be taken as copy of a Rājasthāni MS of archetype alpha. It may be mentioned in passing that the Parişad has listed its nine MSS of the Bhattikāvya under the authorship of Bhartphari, though the identification of the author Bhatti or Bhartrsvāmin with our poet cannot possibly be sustained. By special courtesy of
Mr. Sisirendu Gupta and the Parişad council. Wai: Prājšia Pathaśālā, Wai; 3 MSS, two of version W, the third similar to our version B but corrupt and inflated.
1.3 Abbreviations Used For Citing Anthologies AMD. = the Alamkāramahodadhi of Narendraprabhasūri; ed. L. B. Gandhi
Gaekwar's O. Series XCV, Baroda 1942. BIS. Indische Sprüche, Sanskrit und Deutsch herausgegeben von Otto
Böhtlingk, zweite verarbeitete u. verbesserte Auflage. St. Petersburg vol. I. 1870, II. 1872, III. 1873. The references here are followed by Böhtlingk's own citations, abbreviated as follows: Bohl. - The Bhartr, edition by P. von Bohlen; Berlin 1833. Haeb. the anthology Kávyasamgraha by Haeberlin, Calcutta 1847. lith. ed. I = N+V only, ed. M. B. Bāpat, Bombay, Saduktiratna Press, 1844. lith. ed, II = by V. V. Godbole, Bombay, Vidyāsāgar Press, 1862. Galan. = The Greek translation of N+ V by Galanos; Galan Varr. = Gild. Bibl. 353. Kāvyakal(apa). Kavyas. Hit. - the Hitopadeśa, ed. Schlegel and C. Lassen; ed. Francis Johnson, London 1847; ed. Lakşmi Nārāyan Nyāyā. lamkär, Calcutta 1830 (Gild. Bibl. 353). Satakāv(ali) = N-S_V + seven other śatakas, ed. Girisacandra Vidyāratna, Calcutta 1860. Subhash (itārņava) = a Bengali MS in lhe , Röer collection of the Imperial
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