adventures. The courtesans are afraid of him for he knows their ways completely. Bharata describes him thus:68
वेश्योपचारकुशलो मधुरो दक्षिणः कविः ।
ऊहापोहक्षमो वाग्मी चतुरश्च विटो भवेत् ।। But Kşemendra speaks69 of him rather disrespectfully:
क्षीणाय गुणहीनाय सदोषाय कलाभूते।
विटाय कृष्णपक्षेन्दुकुटिलाय नमो नमः ।। Bhoja calls him guņavān70; some describe him as a master of one art71; some as a master of the science of erotics72; and some as the master of all arts73.
Another colourful personality referred to in the work is a dindika. (डिण्डिकपर्षदिव परग्रन्थिस्रावणजातनिवहा। p. 18). A dindika is a character of a low order on a par with vulgar men like the Dhurta and the Vita. The fourth Bhāņa in the Caturbhāni
-Padatāditakam of Syamlaka-practically turns upon him. The fourth introductory stanza says that the solemn officers of the king may go but let those who are clever in understanding the amusing sport of the dindikas (डिण्डिकविनर्मकलाविदग्धाः ) stay on.
The dindikas are described as ugly like the monkeys in the aforesaid Bhana (डिण्डिनो हि नामैते नातिविप्रकृष्टा वानरेभ्यः p. 21) and in actions are the devils themselves (लाटडिडिनो नामते नातिभिन्ना पिशाचेभ्यः) They are narcissistic profhigates and even worse than the vițas in lewd ways. 68. Op. cit, 24. 104.
69. Desopadesa, p. 111, verse 1. 70. मान्यः कलत्रवान् भुक्तविभवो गुणवान् विटः । SKA, V, 170 b, which is verbally the same as Vātsyāyana's: भुक्तविभवस्तु गुण
वान्सकलत्रो वेशे गोष्ठयां च बहमतस्तदुपजीवी च विटः । 71. एकविद्यो विटः । Rurata, Erigāratilaka, p. 116, vs. 31. 72. कामतन्त्रकलाकोविदविटः। Bhānudatta, Rasamanjari, p. 229. 73. सकल विद्यापारङगमो विटः। Akabarasāha, Srigāramaijari, p. 51. 74. Some very interesting references are made to them in the Caturbhani and the
Brhatkatha-sloka-samgraha which may be given here: Padatāļitaka of Syāmilaka
नग्नः स्नाति महाजनेंऽभसि सदा नेनेक्ति वासः स्वयं केशानाकुलयत्यघौत चरणः शय्यां समाक्रामति । यत्तभ्दक्षयति व्रजन्नपि पथा धत्ते पट पाटितं
छिद्रे चापि सकृत्प्रहृत्य सहसा लोलश्चिरं कत्थते ।। (Vs. 39, p. 16). Again, डिण्डिनो हि नाम
आलेख्यमात्मलिखिभिर्गमयन्ति नाशं सौधेषु कर्चसमषीमलमर्पयन्ति । आदाय तीक्ष्णतरधारमयोविकारं प्र
णक्रियया चरन्ति । Brhatkathā-Sloka-Samgraha:
(Vs. 56, p. 22). ततो विचित्रशस्त्राणां हर्षेण स्फूटितामिव। शृणोमि प्रचण्डानां डिण्डिकानां विकत्थिताम् ।। तथा कथितवन्तस्ते तामालोक्यैव डिण्डिकः । अपाक्रमन् परित्यक्तशस्त्रलज्जा यशोधनाः। (Chapter 18, Vss. 202, 208).
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