४७७] पंचस्त्रिश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Caption of this chapter is 'Code for a Houseless Mendicant' and the subject matter is how a niendicant endeavour to rapidly move on the path of salvation.
Though in the twentyeighth chapter of this testament the path of salvation is demonstrated-right knowledge-faith-conduct-penance-these four-fold ways.
But the propiliation of three jewels (right knowledge-faith-conduct) or fourfold path (right knowledge-faith-conduct-penance) is common both to householders and houseless
Householder also possesses right faith, obtains right knowledge by reading holy texts or hearing the preceptions of sages, he also practises right conduct by observing householder's vows non-violence etc., may they be partial and also observes penances, like-fast, abstinence and study.
But there is a basic difference of slowliness-rapidness, incompleteness-completeness about the propiliation of a householder and houseless mendicant. Though both move on the path of salvation but the speed of householder remains low while houseless mendicant moves rapidly on the path.
There are causes of slow speed of a householder-company, connection, affection to family members, responsiblities to perform the duties pertaining family and society, earning money for leading life and its accumulation, undertaking and possession, cooking food and by such other reasons, it is impossible that he may abandon the violence completely.
While homeless mendicant is free from all these; thereby his speed for attaining salvation is rapid.
Generally quit-home is regarded as mendicant but only to leave home is not sufficient to a mendicant, he has to do some more which is compulsory for him.
First of all, he should renounce the affection and attachment to all those, as he leaves the home. For it, he should renounce all companies and connections.
Then abandonment of all sinful inflows, discretion about bed and lodge, renouncement of all activities which may be harmful to others, disinclination to tastes and practice of sagehood till the end of life-these all are also necessary.
All these tendencies practised by him bring rapidness to his speed and whole renouncement and attains salvation in no time-quickly.
Some inportant points, regarding mendicant religious order, are analysed in this chapter and the consequence is told obtaining salvation, if these points are practised well and with full zeal.
This chapter contains 21 couplets.
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