सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
त्रयस्त्रिश अध्ययन [४४८
The title of this chapter is 'Karmas'. The very name hints that in this chapter, the karmas, their chief and sub-divisions are described.
Most important question is-What are the karmas? How and why they sticks to soul? Why the bondage of karmas to soul occurs?
When the bondage began? When the soul bound by karmas at first time? The answer to these questions is-from beginningless time. Because the empirical soul was never unbound by karmas. It always remained in vibhāva-addicted to attachment-detachment, sensual pleasures etc., -denturalised. But propiliating its own nature-own attributes, it may be free of bondage and then it becomes perfected, emancipated, omniscient and God Almighty.
Karmas are mainly of eight types called müla praksties(1) Knowledge obstructing-It obstructs the knowledge attribute of soul.
(2) Perception obstructing-It obstructs the soul-attribute of perceptionindistinguishable knowledge of a thing.
(3) Emotion evoking-It causes the soul to feel the pleasures and pains.
(4) Infatuatory or illusory or delusory-It causes perversion to the right faith and conduct.
(5) Age or duration determining-It is the cause for determining the time-limit of soul in any existence.
(6) Form determining-It is the cause of body-construction. (7) Status determining-It is the cause of birth of soul in a high or low family or lineage. (8) Power or energy hindering-It is meddlesome to the acquirements of soul.
These eight types are sub-divided into 148 sub-divisions, called uttara praksties. These are
5 of Knowledge obstructing, 9 of Perception obstructing, 2 of Emotion Evoking, 28 of Infatuatory, 4 of Age determinng, 93 of Form determining of body, 2 of Status determining, and 5 of Power hindering.
There are four states of karma-bondage-(1) Nature (prakrti), (2) micro-particles of Kärmaņa vargaņās (pradeśa) (3) duration (4) fruition (anubhāga)
Bondage of karma takes place by the attachment and detachment of soul. Excessive, more excessive, most excessive, less, lesser, least are gradations of the thoughts of soul, thereby various gradations of karmas also become evident.
All these are described in this chapter in brief but exhaustively,
This chapter contains 25 couplets. Jain Education International
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