सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
1. Longing for salvation
2. Disgust for worldly objects
3. Faith in the religion
4. Servitude to preachers and co
5. Confession of slips (sins) before teacher
6. Self-repentance of sins
7. Repentance-decrial of sins before
8. Moral and intellectual purity of soul-practice of equanimity 9. Singing praise of 24 tirthamkaras. 10. Paying reverence (to bow down with devotion) to the preceptors, preachers and teachers
11. Expiation for slips or sins
12. Lack of affection towards the body
13. Formal renunciation
14. Praises and hymns
15. Inspection of time-to keep right time 16. Exculpation
17. Begging forgiveness
18. Study (of holy scriptures)
19. Teaching of sacred scriptures
20. Questioning to the teacher
21. Repetition of learnt knowledge 22. Pondering over learnt knowledge 23. Giving religious discourse
24. Propiliation of sacred texts
25. Concentration of mind at one object 26. Restrain
27. Penance
28. Cutting off accumulated karmas
29. Happiness due to renunciation of
30. Non-attachment
31. Utilisation of unfrequented lodging
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and bed
32. Turning from the empirical objects 33. Renunciation of co-enjoyments
34. Renouncing the things of use Renunciation of food
Renouncement of passions
37. Renunciation of mental, vocal and bodily activities
38. Renouncing the body
39. Abandoning the help (company)
40. Abandonment of all kinds of foods, drinks-water
एकोनत्रिंश अध्ययन [ ३६०
Perfect renunciation
Conforming to the standard
43. Rendering service to others
44. Acquistion of all virtues
45. Freedom from attachment- conquering attachment
46. Forgiveness-tolerance-patience
47. Greedlessness
48. Simplicity
49. Humility-modesty
50. Truthfulness of thoughts
51. Truthfulness of means, activities, deeds
52. Truthfulness of mind, speech and
Restraint of mind
Restraint of speech
Restraint of body
Mind discipline
Speech discipline
Body discipline
59. Accomplishment of knowledge 60. Accomplishent of faith
61. Accomplishment of conduct
62. Subduing the sense of hearing (ear)
63. Subduing the sense of sight (eye) 64. Subduing the sense of smell (nose)
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