३११] पंचविंश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Caption of this chapter is the True Sacrifice. In the chapter, we get the description of sacrifices.
Brahmana or Vaidika culture in India originated with polygodism and sacrifices To appease the gods of Fire, Water, Death etc., and to fulfil own wishes the sacrifices were performed. Sacrifice for getting son, for attaining heaven etc., were the slogans of followers of Vaidika tradition-Brāhmanas and sages.
During the age of Bhagawāna Mahavira such sacrifices were frequent. Huge sacrifices were performed and thousands animals were burnt in sacrificial fire. Brāhmaṇas feel themselves proudy becoming sacrificer.
Such two brothers lived in Vāņārasi. Their name were Jayaghosa and Vijayaghoşa. Both were well-versed in Vedas and were sacrificers.
Once Jayaghoșa went for bath to river Gangā. On the bank he saw a very pitiable scene. A snake has caught a frog in his mouth and trying to swallow it, and a kurara bird has caught that snake and also trying to swallow that snake. As kurara swallows the snake, the pain of frog increase due to the pressure of snake. Frog trembles due to agony.
Seeing this pathetic scene the waves of kindness filled his heart. He became full of hate towards violence. He became disturbed to see that strongs eat the weaks. He accepted Jain consecration from any Jain sage. Began to observe severe penances. Due to long time penances his body weakened.
Wandering village to village he reached Vāņārasi. At that time Vijayaghoṣa was performing a great sacrifice. Sage Jayaghosa reached in the enclosure of sacrifice for getting alms. Vijayaghoșa could not recognise him and outrightly refused to give any thing as alms.
One month's fast, equanimous sage feel no distress; but to enlighten Vijayaghoșa, the sage Jayaghoşa asked him-what is the mouth of sacrifice, stars, vedas and religion. Vijayaghoșa could not reply these questions. Then Jayaghosa explained the real concept of these, along with the conception of Brāhmaṇas and monk, sage, ksatriya and their castes.
Then inspired him to be free from karma-bondage. Being enlightened Vijayaghosa also become a sage. Both the brothers attained liberation.
The special feature of this chapter is that of sacrifice, Brāhmana etc., the description is made by spiritual viewpoint.
The precepts of Bhagawana Mahavira are elaborated in this chapter with reference to the circumstances of those time.
This chapter bears 45 couplets.
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Jain Education International