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fi 25. (Q.) Reverend Sir ! What is the nature of Aupamik time-period fi (time known through metaphor) and how many are its types ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! The aupamik time is of two types palyopam and sagaropam.
(Q.) Reverend Sir! What is a palyopam ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! In the context of nature of a palyopam it should be first understood that paramanu is of two types—(1) Subtle paramanu, fi and (2) Practical paramanu. An infinite number of subtle paramanus 41
form into a practical paramanu. A weapon cannot pierce even a practical paramanu.
It is stated by the omniscient that no one can cut it even with a sharp 4 weapon. This practical paramanu is the initial cause of all the
formations. fi Infinite practical paramanus constitute one utshlakshana
shlakshnika. Eight hair-tips or utshlakshanashlakshnikas constitute one 4 shlakshanashlakshnika. Eight shlakshanashlakshnikas constitute one urdhvarenu. Eight urdhvarenu constitute one trasarenu. Eight trasarenu constitute one ratharenu (dust particle flying at the time of the movement of a chariot). Eight ratharenu constitute one hair-tip of the human beings residing in Devakuru and Uttarakuru. Eight such hairtips constitute one hair-tip of human beings of Hari-varsh and Ramyak- i varsh. Eight such hair-tips constitute one hair-tip of human beings of Haimavat and Hairnayavat. Eight such hair-tips constitute one hair-tip of human beings of eastern Videh and western Videh. Eight such hairtips constitute one leekh. Eight leekhs constitute one louse. Eight lice 4 constitute thickness of a barley grain in the middle. Eight times such thickness equals thickness of one finger. Six such thickness equals width of one foot in the middle. Twelve thickness of finger equals one Vitasti. Twenty four times thickness of a finger equals one ratni or one haath (distance between tip of finger of the hand up to elbow). Forty eight times thickness of finger equals one kukshi (distance from tip of finger i up to armpit). Ninety six times thickness of finger equals one Aksha i (part of a yoke). Similarly ninety six times thickness of finger equals one dand, dhanush, jooaa, moosal or nalika. Two thousand dhanush equals one gavyoot (kos). Four gavyoots equal one yojan.
Consider a storehouse one yojan long, one yojan broad and one yojan | high, the circumference being three times the length. Let us densely fill
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ת נ ת ת ת ת ת ת ת ת
द्वितीय वक्षस्कार
( 41 )
Second Chapter
Jain Education International
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