55 45 45
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44 45 46 45 44 44 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 454545454545454545454545%
connected with Magha constellation. When Poornima is connected with
Magha constellation, the very Amavasya after it is connected with 4 Shravan constellation.
(Q. 16) Reverend Sir! When Poornima is connected with Uttarbhadrapada constellation, is the very Amavasya after it connected with Uttarphalguni constellation ? When Poornima is connected with Uttarphalguni constellation, is the Amavasya just after it connected with Uttarbhadrapada constellation ?
[Ans.) Yes, Gautam ! It happens as you say. According to this procedure, the occurence of Poornimas and Amavasyas should be known as follows
When Poornima is connected with Ashvini constellation, the Amavasya after it is connected with Chitra constellation. When Poornima is connected with Chitra constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Ashvini constellation. When Poornima is connected with Kritika constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Vishakha constellation. When Poornima is connected with Vishaka constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Kritika constellation. When Poornima is connected with Mrigashir constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Jyeshthamool constellation. When Poornima is connected with Jyeshthamool constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Mrigashir constellation. When Poornima is connected with Pushya constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Poorvashadha constellation. When Poornima is connected with Poorvashadha constellation, the Amavasya is connected with Pushya constellation.
1955 456 457 455 41 41 41 455 456 457 454 455 454 455 456 457 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 455 456
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984.[9.9 ] athri G a afa ya ofa ? [3.] 44! ah terem difa, di uten- JARTATGT, srfars, Hart, sporti
उत्तरासाढा चउद्दस अहोरत्ते णेइ, अभिई सत्त अहोरते णेइ, सवणो अट्ठऽहोरत्ते णेइ, धणिवा एगं अहोरत्तं णेइ। तंसि च णं मासंसि चउरंगुलपोरसीए छायाए सूरिए अणुपरिअट्टइ। ___ तस्स मासस्स चरिमदिवसे दो पदा चत्तारि अ अंगुला पोरिसी भवइ।
[9.7 ] arari atat! Traj ATT F75 UTREFI olifa? [3. ] citern! T -sforgi, Heftaran, gawadu, JARIYE|
| सप्तम वक्षस्कार
Seventh Chapter
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