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(1) Shakuni, (2) Chatushpad, (3) Naag and (4) Kinstughna—these four i Karanas are immobile.
IQ. 3) Reverend Sir ! When do these mobile and immobile Karanas occur ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! On the night of the first day of bright fortnight there is Bava Karan. On the second day is Baalav Karan, and in the night is Kaulav Karan. On the third day is Strivilochan Karan while in the night is Garadi Karan. On the fourth day is Vanij Karan, while in the night is Vishti Karan. On the fifth day is Bava Karan, in the night is Baalav Karan. On the sixth day is Kaulav Karan, in its night in Strivilochan Karan. On the seventh day is Garaadi Karan, in its night is Vanij Karan. On the eighth day is Visthi Karan, in the night is Bava Karan. On the ninth day is Baalav Karan while in the night is Kaulav Karan. On the tenth day is Strivilochan Karan while in the night is Garaadi Karan. On the eleventh day is Vanij Karan while in the night is Vishti Karan. On the twelfth day is Bava Karan while in the night is Baalav Karan. On the thirteenth day is Kaulav Karan while in the night is Strivilochan
Karan. On the fourteenth day is Garaadi Karan while in the night is 4 Vanij Karan. On the fifteenth day of bright fortnight (poonam) is Vishti Karan while in the night is Bava Karan.
In the dark fortnight, on the first day is Baalav Karan while in the 45 night is Kaulav Karan. On the second day is Strivilochan Karan while in
the night is Garaadi Karan. On the third day is Vanij Karan while in the night is Visthi Karan. On the fourth day is Bava Karan while in the night is Baalav Karan. On the fifth day is Kaulav Karan while in the night is Strivilochan Karan. On the sixth day is Garaadi Karan while in the night is Vanij Karan. On the seventh day is Vishti Karan while in the night is Bava Karan. On the eighth day is Baalav Karan while in the night is Kaulav Karan. On the ninth day is Strivilochan Karan while in the night is Garaadi Karan. On the tenth day is Vanij Karan while in the
night is Vishti Karan. On the eleventh day is Bava Karan while in the 45 night is Baalav Karan. On the twelfth day is Kaulav Karan while in the
night is Strivilochan Karan. On the thirteenth day is Garaadi Karan while in the night is Vanij Karan. On the fourteenth day is Vishti Karan while in the night is Shakuni Karan. On the fifteenth day (Amavas) is Chatushpad Karan while in the night is Naag Karan.
On the first day of bright fortnight is Kinstughn Karan.
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सप्तम वक्षस्कार
Seventh Chapter
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