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4 [Ans.] Gautam ! The day is of 18 muhurat reduced by two-sixty first 4 of a muhurat. The night is of 12 muhurat increased by two-sixty one muhurat.
(Q. 3] Reverend Sir ! Covering out from there in the second day-night when the sun (after completing the second inner round) moves, how long Si is the day and how long is the night?
(Ans.] Gautam ! Then the day is of 18 muhurat reduced by muhurat ki and the night is of 12&i muhurat.
Moving in this manner, the sun going ahead from one round to the next round reduces the day by muhurat with every round and 5 increases the night by muhurat tell it reaches the outermost round and after completing it moves inwards.
When the sun moves from the innermost round upto the outermost round, it departing from innermost round in 183 days and nights reduces
the period of the day 366 times of a muhurat and increase the night 41 the same extent.
[Q. 4] Reverend Sir! When the sun moves after completing 5 outermost round, how long is the day and how long is the night ? 4 (Ans.) Gautam ! The longest night is of 18 muhurat and the shortest
of 12 muhurat. This is the first half-year. This is the end of the first half-year. Entering from here, the sun in the second half year on first day-night moves ahead completing the second outer round.
[Q. 5) Reverend Sir ! When the sun after completing the second outermost circle of its orbit moves further, for how long is the day and for how long is the night?
(Ans.) Gautam ! Then the night is of 18 muhurat reduced by muhurat and the day is of 12 muhurat. From there moving further the sun on the second day-night, completing the third round goes ahead.
[Q. 6) Reverend Sir ! When the sun after completing the third outermost circle of its orbit moves further, for how long is the day and for 4 how long is the night?
(Ans.) Gautam ! Then the night is of 18 muhurat reduced by 5 muhurat and the day of 12 muhurat. Thus moving in this manner from 15 one circle to the other, the duration of night is reduced by 2 muhurat
with each round and the day is increased by 2 muhurat with each round tell it moves on the innermost round.
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Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
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