4 The sun and the moon take rounds of the Meru mountain at 卐 minimum distance of 44820 yojans. The completion of one such round iss called mandal.
The distance of a round (mandal) from the immediate suceeding ___round is two yojan. Sun completes the orbit in 184 rounds while moon
completes it in 15 rounds. The speed of heavenly abode (Viman) of moon is very slow while that of the heavenly abode of moon is fast. So the 41 rounds of the sun are pretty more than those of the moon. The entire area of orbits of moon and the sun (area of movement) is 51048 yojan. Out of it 180 yojan is in Jambu island and 33048 yojans is in Lavan Ocean.
The distance between two consecutive rounds of moon is a little more 4 than 35 yojans while that of two such rounds of sun is two yojans. Out of 15 rounds of moon, 5 are in Jambu island and 10 in Lavan Ocean while out of 65 rounds of sun and 119 are in Lavan Ocean.
The intermediacy distances of 184 rounds of sun are 183. Since every such distance is of 2 yojans the total of 183 intermediacy distances is 366 yojans. Every round iss yojan thick. Thus the thickness in 184 rounds comes to 14448 yojans. Adding it in 366yojan, the total area of movement comes to 51048 yojan. The round of the orbit which is nearest to Meru mountain is called innermost round and the round farthest from Meru mountain is called the outermost round. The sun moves continuously from the innermost round till it reaches the outermost round and then again from the outermost round to the innermost round and so on. (See to detailed description in Brihat Sangrahni Ratna by Acharya Yashodev Suri, Hindi Commentary, pp. 225 to 240.) मुहूर्त-गति MUHURAT-MOVEMENT
१६६. [प्र. १] जया णं भंते ! सूरिए सव्वन्भंतरं मंडलं उवसंकमित्ता चारं चरइ तया णं एगमेगेणं मुहुत्तेणं केवइअं खेत्तं गच्छइ ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! पंच पंच जोअणसहस्साई दोण्णि अ एगावण्णे जोअणसए एगुणतीसं च सद्विभाए जोअणस्स एगमेगेणं मुहुत्तेणं गच्छइ। तया णं इहगयस्स मणूसस्स सीआलीसाए जोअणसहस्सेहिं दोहि अ म तेवढेहिं जोअणसएहिं एगवीसाए अ जोअणस्स सट्ठिभाएहिं सूरिए चक्खुप्फासं हव्वमागच्छइ ति। से
णिक्खममाणे सूरिए नवं संवच्छरं अयमाणे पढमंसि अहोरत्तंसि सव्वन्भंतराणंतरं मंडलं उवसंकमित्ता चारं चरइ त्ति।
[प्र. २ ] जया णं भंते ! सूरिए अभंतराणंतरं मंडलं उवसंकमित्ता चारं चरित तया णं एगमेगेणं 5 मुहुत्तेणं केवइअं खेत्तं गच्छइ ?
जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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